Year 4 Part 6

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A/n- I don't usually do these because I want people to read my story and not have to listen to me go on about shit they don't care about but I'm getting my first comments of people actually caring and becoming invested in the story and I can't explain how much that means to me. Also Ryleebella2009 all in good time baby, this is a Draco fan fic so they will be together again at some point but you know we need some Cedric time before our king is uno... dead. Also look forward to some toxic fifth year Millie and toxic sixth year Draco. Please vote and comment it means so much to me, also leave suggestions if you want, I pretty much have the story planned but I would love to hear some idea's.


The rain poured aggressively that day. puddles filling every nook and crevice of Hogwarts etherial grounds. The rain tapped rhythmically at the windows, reassuring us we were safe indoors. Daphne and I had a free period and went to what used to be the main living quarters now where the Goblet of Fire is held. We watched intently as different sixth and seventh years put their name in, earning an applause from the small crowd. Daphne chewed aggressively at a liquorice wand whilst I read my advanced Charms book.

"Why the fuck do you like charms so much?" Daphne asked, tearing a chuck of liquorice off the wand.

"Because it's interesting." I said, chuckling.

"Interesting my ass, you fucking Ravenclaw's." She said shaking her head. I looked over to see a crowd of Hufflepuff boys all cheering and pushing a tall boy towards the goblet. I rolled my eye's at the rowdiness, then to notice it was Cedric who dropped his name boldly in the Goblet. He smiled that heart breaking smile when the fire exploded slightly. He jumped into his friends who were cheering him on.

"Give me a sec Daph." I said, getting up, walking towards Cedric. 

"On Slazar's grave, do you ever not have boys after you?"

"On Rowena's grave, are you ever not sucking my brother's dick?" I retorted, wanting to vomit at the words.

"Touche!" She shouted after me laughing. I walked over to the sixth year Hufflepuffs. They all towered over me so it would be pointless to try to grab him, instead I just cough to make myself known. Cedric turned around and spotted me a grin plastered on his face, that makes my stomach flutter. 

"Millie! How are you feeling?" He asked walking over to me pulling me into a hug. I was not used to this much touching and tried my best to return the embrace. Cedric's friends wolf whistled, making him turn around to flip them off.

"I'm fine, you though, up for eternal glory." I laughed.

"I guess so. Is that an advanced charms book?"

"Uhh... yeah." I said, taking out the book I had tucked under my arm.

"Merlin Millie, that's NEWT level stuff."

"I guess it is." I laughed.

"Damn, I like that. Would you maybe want to hang out after school?" He asked, slightly shakily.

"Yeah of course, meet me by the black lake, we can talk about your 'eternal glory'" I said using air quotes. He laughed, pulling me in by the waist, to kiss me lightly on the cheek. I used one hand to grab his jaw and plant a firm kiss on his lips. I pulled away and smile, before turning around to walk back to Daphne.

"Uhh... see you!" He shouted after me.

"Diggory, your girlfriends hot!" I heard one of his friends shout.

"Shut up, you halfwit." I heard him reply. I sat back down next to Daphne as the Weasley twins come running in cheering.

"What are these blood traitors about to do?" Daphne said rolling her eye's. I saw them sit with Hermione, Ron and Harry showing them some sort of vile filled with a clear liquid. I watched them get up on a bench and jump over the age line, making everyone around them cheer. They both drop their pieces of parchment into the goblet cheering and high-fiving when the fire seems to accept it. Suddenly the blue fire exploded throwing both of them to the other side of the room. Once they sit up, long white beards had grown on each of their faces. 

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