Year 1 Part 4

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It was Christmas at Hogwarts and the castle was covered in seasonal decorations. Blaise and I were spending our first Christmas at home since Father died and we both knew that a sort of sadness would hang heavy in the air this Christmas. I promised to write to Cho and Luna, Terry had also promised me he would send me a reading list for the Christmas which I was ecstatic for as Terry really did read the best books. As I walked past the great hall I noticed Hermione walking out.

"Hey Granger, have a good Christmas."

"You too, mine will be better if i could find a few more books to get me through a muggle Christmas." I gasped at this and Hermione seemed to notice. "What is it?"

"Umm... nothing. My friend Terry is sending me a reading list this Christmas, I could give it to you if you like?"

"Oh Millicent, that would be wonderful."

"No problem, but between us don't tell too many people you're muggle born, not all wizards are open minded." I warned. I walked away leaving Hermione with a bewildered look on her face.

Once Blaise and I stepped off the train we ran to mothers arms and into a loving embrace. 

"Blaise, Millicent, I have a surprise for you." Mother said beaming. Blaise and I looked at each other then back to Mother. "I thought staying at the manor just the three of us would be a very depressing Christmas. So, Narcissa and Lucius have kindly opened their home to us this year." She said smiling widely. As happy as I was to be spending Christmas with Draco this year I never liked staying at Malfoy Manor. It was dark, eerie and far too big for a family of three making the whole place feel isolated and lonely. None the less I put on a big smile for Mother not wanting to bring down her mood. When arriving at the manor Narcissa greeted us with big warm hugs, whereas Lucius shook our hands cooly. I nervously asked where Draco was and Narcissa told me he was in his room. Blaise helped Mother with the trunks whilst I sprinted up the grand stair case to Draco's room on the third floor. I quietly slipped in and saw Draco on his bed facing away from the door. I tip toed up to him and jumped on his back shouting boo. Draco screamed in terror as I burst out laughing next to him.

"Merlin's beard Zabini, you scared the life out of me." Draco said grumpily.

"That was the goal Malfoy." I rolled my eyes.

"You know if you keep rolling your eyes like that they're going to get stuck at the back of your head." We both laughed at this. After diner Blaise and I went looking for Draco to come sledding with us. We came upon Lucius's study and peaked our head in the see Draco with his father.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to." Draco mumbled nervously.

"I hope not, you good for nothing disgrace to the Malfoy name." Lucius roared. He then slapped Draco on his pale cheek leaving a red hand mark. Blaise and I hid behind a wall as Lucius came strutting out. Once he was out of sight Blaise and I peaked our heads back around the slightly ajar door Draco's upper lip began to quiver and tears streamed down his face. He crumpled into a ball on the floor and seemed to disappear into a puddle of tears. I've never wanted to hug him more but I knew that would only make him angry.

Christmas was spent very differently at the malfoys and we weren't to open presents till after diner. Once the clock hit 7 a small bell was rung to beckon us to the dining room. We all sat along a long table filled with a classic roast. Draco was very quiet that night and had been since the incident with his father. I still didn't believe as Blaise did that it was an uncommon situation for Draco. He barley ate any of the roast prepared by the numerous house elves and had grey circles pooling around his eyes. I tried to think of good things as Christmas was meant to be a tie of joy not an emotional roller coaster. I then remembered one of the house elves, Dobby, was ever so kind to me and seemed to have not been fed for a while so I made sure to save some sweet potatoes for him. We all gathered around the tree decorated in green and silver. There was a mountain of presents all waiting for their rapping to be torn off so the gift underneath could be appreciated. My favourite was a neatly wrapped small box with a green bow tied around it. I carefully unwrapped it revealing a necklace. It was silver chain with a snake charm hanging off of it. The snake had emeralds all up its back and it hung by my heart. 

"Because I know you're a Slytherin at heart." Draco said smiling weakly. 

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