21 - The Most Scripted Thing Ever

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During lunch time at school the next day, Steven and Joey approached me while I was shoving books into my locker. Then we walked together to the area behind the buildings to sit and eat.

"Jade," Steven started, "come over tomorrow? I've started working on a new song,"

"Sure... Oh, I'm sorry but I'm busy tomorrow."

"Oh, okay." Steven actually looked disappointed.

"I forgot to mention - I got a job at a café in the shopping centre not far from here."

Steven nodded slowly. "Congrats. So do we get discounts then?" He laughed.

"You know we're gonna come and spy on you, right?" Tom joked.

"No discounts, sorry. And no spying!" I playfully whacked Tom's arm.

"I'm assuming that's why you can't hang out tomorrow? You start tomorrow?" Steven asked.

"I do. No spying," I repeated.

"He said it, not me," Steven shrugged, pointing at Tom.


My alarm buzzed at 7 AM. Mitchell told me to come in by 8:30. I rolled out of bed and into the shower.

Picking through my wardrobe - which seemed to have too much but not enough clothing - I pulled out a black top with frilly, white, short sleeves. I paired it with a faux-leather skirt and opaque stockings - the kind with the heart pattern.

I neatly applied my liquid eyeliner, mascara and red lipstick and put my long, turquoise hair into a ponytail with a side-braid from hairline to hair tie. Before heading downstairs I slipped on my favourite red sneakers.

After quickly downing breakfast - I'd taken about an hour from waking up to walking out the door - I stepped outside, into the car and Mum and I headed for the shopping complex.

On arrival to the café I saw Ruby on the inside of the store's glass front replacing the open sign with a larger, more visible one. She waved at me as I entered and told me that Mitchell was in the office, attending to "managery stuff".

I knocked on the white office door and opened it after hearing Mitchell yell out to come in.

He was even prettier today than he was on Thursday afternoon. His blonde hair was exactly the same, as was the black shirt, but today he had on tightly-fitting, dark pants with a casual, dark grey suit jacket.

"Good morning!" Mitchell rose from the desk chair.

"Morning," I replied, trying not to blush at the sight before me.

"Now, I forgot to mention this on Thursday, but you will require a plain black shirt and closed-in leather shoes. Will that be a problem for you, Jade?"

"Hell- uh, nope. I've got plenty of black tops... My shoes from my old school should still fit, too." I gave Mitchell the dorkiest double thumbs up ever.

"Good thing you chose black to wear today, huh?" He laughed, looking me up and down.

"Yeah," I mustered up a pathetic return giggle.

"Well, I'll show you around and introduce you to today's staff. Come on,"

To get to the kitchen we had to pass through the staff/lunch/locker room.

"That's Peter. Peter, Jade." Mitchell informed. Peter and I smiled at each other - although his mouth was stuffed with sandwich.

Then we toured the kitchen. There were a couple of guys and a girl cooking and baking and preparing, while chatting to one another.

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