11 - I'm Not Sure How to Feel About This News.

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Tom shut the basement door behind us.

"What the hell was that, anyway?" I wondered.

"Who knows? Now, would you like a drink, since the actual host didn't even bother asking?" Tom changed the subject.

"A glass of water would be nice, thanks Tom."

We entered the kitchen and I sat at the breakfast bar. Steven's kitchen was cute; the bench tops were yellow and the floor was black and white tiled.

Tom reached a top cupboard and brought down two glasses. Out of the refrigerator, he grabbed a jug of chilled water and poured some into each glass.

"Cheers," he said and we clinked glasses and drank our fridge water.

"Not to pry or anything, but what's with Joe and this new chick? Did he break up with Courtney?" I asked.

"Oh, you don't know, then." Tom laughed. "Courtney was never Joe's official girlfriend. Long story short, he's in a bet with Steven and his mate Johnny to see how many girls they can get in their beds before the end of the year,"

I took a mouthful of water and held it in my mouth for a few seconds. After I swallowed, I said to Tom: "I knew about that bet. Just that Steven somehow failed to mention that he was in on it too."

Tom didn't respond until he emptied his entire glass. "Hmm," was all he said.

"There you guys are," I looked up, behind Tom, to find Steven standing there with the full garbage bag.

"I know something that I don't think you wanted me to know," I claimed.

"Oh, yeah? What do you know?" Steven asked.

"You're in on that stupid bet with Johnny and Joe."

Steven looked quite ashamed. "I'm sorry, Jade, I-"

"I don't care, it's not like I'm offended or anything. I just wonder why you didn't tell me you were in on it as well?"

"And that's my cue to leave," Tom pointed towards the basement door and scuttled out of the kitchen.

Steven stood where Tom did before he left.

"You really want to know why I didn't tell you?" he asked with a hesitant look on his face.

"Are you prepared to tell me? I just wanna know why you didn't think I could handle the truth," I shrugged.

"I didn't want you to know, because..." - Steven shut his eyes briefly and drew a deep breath - "because I like you, Jade."

I raised my eyebrows and my eyes widened in shock. I had to let this unexpected piece of information sink into my brain.

"I didn't want you to think I was a jerk any more than you already did."

I sat there on the barstool behind the breakfast bar just looking at him, trying to not screw up my face while I assessed the situation. But I realised I was frowning anyway.

"Arrrre you gonna say anything?" Steven raised a brow.

"I have to go." I managed to blurt out. Well, it wasn't a lie: I noticed it was dark already when I looked outside of the window during mine and Tom's water break.

"Right, of course you do." Steven's mouth thinned and he shut his eyes. He finally let go of the garbage bag and leaned it against the pantry door. "I'll drive you home."

"Nope, that's okay. I'll walk."

"Don't be stupid, it's dark, and I don't want you walking alone in this neighbourhood. Plus," Steven argued, "I'm confident that you'd have no clue of how to get home from here."

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