9 - Candy and Man-Jewellery

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The next Monday was about as eventful as any other. Classes dragged on and lunch times were boring. Even hanging out with the boys wasn't fun. We just sat there and said virtually nothing.

I don't know why the mood was so sombre. Steven didn't even walk me home. But a few hours after school he arrived at my house. My mother wasn't home so I had to answer the door wearing a singlet and short shorts - a bit of a difference in apparel from the last time I opened the door to Steven.

"Uh, hi," I said awkwardly.

"You don't seem too happy to see me," Steven replied.

"Well, I mean..." I motioned to my outfit then for him to come inside.

"Charming," he complimented as he looked around, taking his boots off in the doorway.

I kicked them more to the side and closed the door as he walked further inside.

"Thanks," I said. "Want a drink or something? Besides beer or whatever."

Steven shook his head and smiled. "I'm good,"

"So what's up?" I asked him and walked over to the couch to sit down.

"Well, I was wondering... I just wanted to know," Steven started, "if you'd by any chance wanna... come to my place for a party,"

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Another party? Steven," I began to decline the offer.

"I know your first one didn't exactly go to plan," he interrupted, "but this one will be different."

"How will it be different?" I asked him.

"Because this one's for my birthday."

I frowned a little and pursed my lips in thought. Steven just invited me to his birthday party?

"At least make an appearance," he requested.

I looked at him. "When is it?"

"This Friday," Steven looked at me with puppy dog eyes.

"I suppose I could 'make an appearance'," I looked at my feet on the floor.

"Really?" Steven asked, his voice a little lighter than before. "It'll be awesome, Jade,"

"Yeah," I said. Two party weekends in a row, it better be.


The day before Steven's party, I realised that I forgot about the gift part and that I'd better get him something.

But what the heck would I get?

Mum gave me a lift to the mall, thinking I was meeting up with a couple of girl friends.

"That's lovely," she'd said when I asked her.

I entered the mall through the huge glass doors and looked around for any kind of gift shop.

After a while I found one of those stores that sell a bit of everything and I went in to have a look. The shelves were very packed and busy-looking, and I didn't know where to start.

"Ugh, Steven, you could've had your birthday later on so I could at least get to know you better to get a gift for you," I whispered.

"I know right," replied a voice.

I jumped a little and turned around to see Katie, the purple lipstick girl from the party. Steven's sister.

"Sorry, didn't mean to make you jump," she laughed. "So you're actually getting my brother a birthday present?"

"Uh, yeah. Any ideas what I should get for him?"

"Man, he's lucky to have you as a friend, if I were in your position I just wouldn't bother at all."

"He invited me to his birthday party, I'd feel weird turning up empty handed." I responded.

"Well, it's your money, not mine!" she giggled. "Hmm, well if I had to buy for a guy I didn't know that well, I'd probably just get a box of candy or something."

"Oh, yeah? What kind does Steven like?" I inquired.

"I have no idea," she frowned.

'Aren't you a great help,' I thought.

"Wait, what about a piece of man-jewellery or something?" Katie suggested.

"Man-jewellery? You mean like a dog tag necklace or something?"

"Uh, yeah I suppose so. They're in the far corner of the store, I'll show you." She smiled.

We made our way over to the "man-jewellery" section and had a look.

"I don't know where to start," I mumbled.

"Eh, just choose something black or silver and wannabe-rockstar looking; he'll love it." Katie picked up a black leather wide-banded wrist band thing with a small, blank, silver metal plate on it.

"That'll do," I said, and Katie and I approached the register to pay for it. $20 wasn't too bad, I mean, it was on sale and everything.

"Thanks for your help, Katie," I said after I'd paid for Steven's gift. "I'd probably still be wandering the isles if you didn't find me."

"No problem at all, although your gift will probably be a lot better than mine now," she laughed.

"I doubt it," I smiled at her and we said our goodbyes.


On the way outside to the parking lot I involuntarily started thinking about different situations that might occur at Steven's party. There was the repeating of the brownie affair - I really didn't want that (or anything like that) happening again. I pictured people drinking themselves to unconsciousness, passed out on the lawn and floor. And what about-

"Hey!" a voice interrupted my thoughts... thankfully?

I turned around to see a member of the pack.

"Tom, hey. What are you up to?" I gave him a little smile.

"Killin' time," he shrugged.

"Hey, uh, have you gotten anything for Steven?" I asked hesitantly.

"What? Oh, his birthday. Yeah, a box of candy."

"No kidding," I chuckled. "What do you think of this?"
I pulled the wrist band out of the little gift bag and passed it to Tom.

"This is nice," he said and tried it on, "but I'm sure he'll say 'you didn't have to!'," Tom said in a mock-Steven voice.

"Well, I'd feel weird showing up to a birthday party empty handed." I explained again.

"Understandable." Tom replied as he gave back the man-jewellery. "So, are you doing anything later? Or, now?"

His question surprised me. "Nope," I answered slowly.

"Neither. Wanna hang out somewhere?" Tom's voice was a little monotonous.

I blinked at him, confused, then realised that he was probably trying to be my friend. I nodded slowly and agreed.

"Cool. Steven's?"

"Oh," I said awkwardly, "sure." I didn't really want to, seeing as I was going to his place tomorrow night for probably hours.

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