23 - "Us"? What?

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I felt Steven smile slightly as he began to break apart from me.

I stared up at his brown eyes. "You just stole my first kiss," I whispered with a look that said "explain yourself".

"I know." Steven looked at me with a smirk. "And I'm not sorry."

Glancing down to the kitchen floor with a little laugh, I whispered again: "Neither am I,"

Once again, Steven looked slightly stunned at what I'd said. "Why do you always do that?" I asked without thinking.


"Look surprised at things that I say,"

"I... didn't know I did such a thing," Steven replied quietly, and with a hint of a smile, as I noticed that his hands were still on my waist.

I lost my train of thought when I heard a door shut upstairs. "Mum's up," I whispered.

"Yeah," Steven finally dropped his hands away from my waist and stepped back. "Guess I should go, before she asks questions,"

"Probably." I agreed.

"Thanks for letting me stay the night," Steven said without moving.

"Any time."

Steven's feet still didn't want to take him anywhere. He realised this and started to move towards the front door while looking back at me, and he accidentally bumped into the wall separating the living room from the entry way.

"Well, see ya," Steven smiled a modest smile, opened the door and left.


That evening, while I was tidying my bedroom, I kept catching my thoughts straying towards Steven. I could still feel the unexpected kiss from earlier and I kept smiling at the thought, which made me blush every time.

You know, my conscious told me, he's actually kind of attractive. And he seems sweet. I mentally narrowed my eyes at my conscious. Really. He's cute, he's nice to you... and he's single - I think. Now I physically narrowed my eyes at my conscious.

Pulling me from this thought train, I heard my mother call me from the bottom of the stairs. I paused my room-cleaning and headed down.

He was standing in my doorway. The guy who had given me my first kiss, earlier.

"Hey," I said to Steven from the bottom of the stairs.

"Hey. You busy?"

"No," I answered, moving towards the doorway.

My mother gave me a questioning look but left for the living room before I could respond to it.

"Back so soon," I commented. "What's up?"

"This is probably gonna sound really... cheesy, but ever since this morning... I haven't been able to think about anything other than our kiss." Steven looked at his feet.

I didn't say anything at first, because I had no idea of what to say. But I ended up telling him that I had the same issue.

"Issue? No," Steven corrected, "the issue is that I still don't officially know if you feel the same way." His eyes bore into mine for an answer and I shifted my weight. "So?"

"So..." I began, "I don't know. There are a couple of things I'd like to be cleared up," I noted.


I realised we were still in the doorway, and that my mum was probably eavesdropping. "Follow me." I turned on my heel and headed straight up the stairs and to my bedroom. Good thing I was tidying before.

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