17 - I Just Want to Sleep

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I guessed that the time was close to 2:30AM, maybe three. There was still a fair amount of people trying to keep the pretty-much-dead party going in the living room, but a lot of the guests either had abandoned ship or were face-down on the floor.

It took me a few seconds to realise that I'd just awoken; that I must've dozed off, somehow.

One of my first thoughts was wondering where Steven was, plus Tom and Johnny for some reason. I noticed that the music was still playing, but only loud enough so as to not disturb the rest of the neighbourhood.

I groggily raised my half-asleep body from the couch and set off to find one of the guys.

I thought that the obvious place to find Steven would be in his basement room, so I opened the door and down I went.

Immediately I could hear thunderous snoring. But all I could see in the bed was a matted mess of dark hair - half under the pillows, half sticking out over the top of the blankets.

What a wuss, I thought, it's his birthday party and here he is conked out in bed already.

"Oi," I whispered, keeping my distance from him. When he didn't stir, I stepped closer and nudged him. "Oi, either take me home or get me a proper bed to sleep in." I spoke louder this time.

Still nothing.

"Steven," I roused at a normal volume, "wake up, man!" I resorted to lifting a beanbag off the floor and throwing it at him.

This finally scored a reaction: Steven snorted in confusion and lifted himself. Turns out he'd been facedown.

"What?" Steven mumbled when his eyes landed on me, standing with my arms folded.

"Ahem... it's early in the AM, please either get me home or find a place fit for a sleep." I said, trying to make it sound like more of an order than a question.

Steven narrowed his eyes, sat up more, and said: "You've gotta be fucking kidding me."

"I'm really not."

"Far out, just..." Steven stumbled out of his bed, leaned over to grab one of his probably five pillows, the top blanket and the beanbag I'd thrown at him.

He put everything into a pile on the floor at the foot of his bed, including the other beanbags.

"Happy?" Steven grunted and dived back into bed.

"Um..." I frowned slightly at Steven's thirty-second bedding improvisation. I carefully lowered myself into the pile of beanbags, blanket and pillow and tried to get comfortable, to no avail. "I suppose it'll do. You're probably too drunk to drive me anyway, right?"

"Mhm," he grumbled.

"And you know there are still people up there, right?"


"Are you gunna kick 'em out?"

"No. I'm trying to sleep. If you're that concerned, you go kick 'em out yourself." Steven snapped.

"Maybe I will." I answered, struggling to get up out of the pile of puffiness.

"You do that." Steven put his head back under the pillow.

I climbed the stairs once again, arrived in the lounge room and almost tripped over someone's body. Because of the disturbance, whoever-it-was rolled over and sat up.

"What the- oh, hey Jade," Tom smiled a drunken smile and lopsidedly stood up.

I looked at him with a frown as he staggered to find his balance.

"Well," I sighed, "you're not going to be any help chasing everyone out, are you?"

"Huh?" Tom blinked a few times to try and clear his vision. "Why? Everyone's having fun."

I looked around the room. There were literally only two other people standing.

"Everyone's drunk, asleep, or about to be," I put my hands on his arms to steady him, but since he was so much taller than me, it didn't help much at all.

Tom broke from my "grip" and went over to a huge, dark, wooden cabinet. He bent down and opened a cupboard door, then pulled out a megaphone. It made me get the feeling that this kind of thing happened often.

"Okay, ebrybody, out, everyone out, thank you..." Tom slurred into the megaphone.

No one budged. Tom looked at me like he just proved me so wrong. "See?"

"Well, I guess, this is Steven's issue, not mine." I shrugged.

I looked at Tom with concern. I'd never seen someone so... drunk before.

"Maybe you should go to bed. Actual bed, not on the lounge room floor," I took Tom by the arm and led him to Steven's parents' room.

I opened the door to find another couple - no, three people - naked and asleep on the bed. Figures.

Walking back out into the lounge room, I saw that all the couches and every possible spot that could be slept in or on were occupied.

I thought about the makeshift bed that Steven threw - literally - together downstairs for me earlier.

Whatever, I thought, I'll sleep somewhere else. Or walk home.

Tom and I stumbled down the stairs, me struggling under half of Tom's weight over me.

As we got closer to Steven's bed, Tom seemed to zone in on the fact that there was a bed and he wanted to be in it.

"Wrong way, man... your stop is this way," I told Tom as he leaned toward Steven's bed - not noticing, or perhaps ignoring, that Steven was already in it.

"Wait, no no no n-" I somehow managed to step in front of Tom just as he fell onto the bed - taking me down with him.

"Tom, get off!" I had to move my head out from under Tom's chest so I could actually breathe. "Tom! Steven!" But Steven was completely out to it.

"Sleep," Tom whinged. He managed to lay on the bed after nudging me over so he had more room.

"Oh, come on!" I was still unable to free myself from underneath Tom. Then, to finish off the ridiculous predicament, Tom raised his leg over the top of my stomach, and planted it down, hard.

"Fuck!" I gasped, winded. He shifted a little so I was able to free my right arm, but it was of little use for pushing Tom off me because of the positions we were both in.

Then Tom's arm landed across my neck, nearly strangling me. And on top of that, I realised that both Steven and Tom were snoring.

This is gonna be a long night.

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