29 - Well That Was Unexpected

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Stale cigarette smell wafted around me as I blinked my vision clear. The walls around me were pale blue - well, from what I could tell, anyway: the room was quite dim and the walls were plastered with posters and pictures of all sizes, and with all kinds of content.

One that caught my eye was a massive poster of a gorgeous pin up girl with long, orange hair, wearing a cute sailor's uniform.

I sat up in the bed I was in - with grey sheets and a thick, black blanket - and tried to figure out where I was. Only when I remembered what had happened earlier did I realise.

Carefully opening the bedroom door, I peeked around to see if anyone was there; no one was present so I made my way down the hallway. I stealthily crept towards a light in what looked to be the kitchen. I could hear a lady singing sweetly and the aroma of roast chicken filled my nose.

"You're alive," Joe ribbed. All I could manage was a nod, because my attention was taken by a beautiful brunette woman wearing a light pink shift dress underneath a frilly, white apron.

"Hello, Jade," the lady chirped. Her wavy hair bounced as she moved around the kitchen, putting things where they belonged.

"Uh, hi..." I stepped forward some more and shot Joe a questioning look behind her back.

"This is my mom," Joe answered, looking proudly towards her.

"Nice to meet you," I complimented, gesturing for Joe to go back down the hallway with me.

"Two whole hours," Joe alleged once we got out of earshot. "That kid must've crashed into you pretty hard. How's the chin?"

I followed Joe into the bathroom for a mirror. "Wow," I inspected the gash on my jawline to see it cleaned up and looking shallower than I'd first thought. "Still stings."

"I didn't mean to kidnap you." Joe sat on the edge of the bathtub and rested his elbows on his knees. "And I didn't exactly let anyone know, either. Not to freak you out or anything,"

"Me, freaked out? I think not," I joked, checking out my other grazes.

I noticed that Joe seemed to be doing some checking out of his own.

"You right there?" I asked with a raised eyebrow, snapping him out of it.

Joe blinked and looked away from me. "Yep. Sorry..." he mumbled.

"Why didn't you let anyone know what happened, anyway?"

"Don't know, really. Didn't want to worry anyone, I guess." Joe shrugged, and I swore that I could see a bit of a blush happening.

"Well," I started, exiting the bathroom, "thanks for looking after me, I suppose. I should probably get home."

"Sure," agreed Joe. He led the way to the front door.


"Where on God's great Earth have you been?" My mother crossed her arms as I entered the living room.

"I'm sorry," I sat on the couch, being careful not to bump my cuts and scrapes, "I was with friends."

"You could have called. What happened to your face?"

"Fell down."

"Aw," Mum's attitude softened a tad. "Well, dinner's almost ready. Roast chicken, tonight."

"Funny," I muttered as Mum left for the kitchen, remembering that that was what Joe's mother was cooking.


The following Monday I landed a shift at the café with Kelly. We didn't acknowledge each other until we finished.

"I'm really sorry that you had to see..." Kelly began as we left the café simultaneously.

"What? See you post-naked in my boyfriend's bedroom? Gee, that's alright," I jabbed in reply.

"It really wasn't what it looked like."

"He hasn't even spoken to me since then," I realised. "So what was it, then? I should be having this conversation with Steven, but I suppose you're the next best thing..."

"Well, Steven and I are cousins."

I froze. "What?"

"Out of context that probably sounds really weird," Kelly chuckled.

"Um, a little, yeah. You're cousins?"

"Yeah. I was staying over, and when I do, he gives me his room. More privacy for a girl, you know?"

"What a gentleman," I replied, a bit brassier than I intended. "But..." I started walking again, "Steven hasn't even tried to get around to me. If your story's true, he would've at least called."

"Okay," Kelly said as she put in effort to keep up with me, "that, I can't explain. But, I mean, you could just as easily have called him."

"I don't have his number. And what's more," I frowned, "why did he get so cranky with me?"

"I don't know. Maybe it was because he was the one who was supposed to be keeping watch over the door as I got dressed?"

"God, what a stupid situation," I detoured towards the loo. "I'll see you next shift."

"Bye, and sorry again," Kelly waved and went her own way.

Entering the ladies' bathroom, I bumped into a blonde girl. "Erin? Sorry 'bout that."

"That's okay," she stepped aside and disappeared, looking irritated.

"Long time, no see," a voice greeted bluntly. Kirsten was in there, too.

"How's it going?" I leaned against the white-tiled wall.

"Fine, if you count being cruel to be kind to your best friend as fine." Kirsten sighed in annoyance. "Erin decided to take up smoking," she explained in reply to my confused expression.

"I see," I faked interest. "Well, gotta pee. See you later," I invaded a cubicle, and Kirsten left.


"I'll get it," I said to Mum as there was a knock at the door.

I opened it to come face to face with my boyfriend. "Hi."

"Hi..." Steven scratched the back of his head like he was unsure of why he was at my door.

I invited him upstairs. "Finally remembered that I exist?" I butted.

"Wow," Steven replied as he dumped himself onto my bed. "I came here to explain to you that there's nothing to worry about with Kelly."

"Oh, yeah?" I sat on the foot of the bed, waiting to hear the same thing that Kelly had told me.

"We're cousins. She was staying over. She does that sometimes."

I nodded slowly. "So... why am I just hearing about this relation now?" I raised my eyebrows and leaned back a little.

Steven shrugged and stood up, motioning for me to follow suit. "I love you," he assured as I took his hand.

It just seemed so dodgy to me. Steven leaned in and left a peck on my forehead.

A/N: is it bad that I'm trying to stretch the story out cause I hate coming to the end of fanfics lmao

No, seriously though: should I hurry it up a little or is this pace tolerable?

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