10 - Pinup Girl Posters, Another Orange Wall and a Pretty Good Rumour

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Tom was a gent and opened the car door for me to get out. I realised that I've never seen Steven's house, let alone been into it before.

It was homely - a brick house with a cared-for looking garden under the windows on either side of the front door - faded pale blue and smack in the middle of the building. The lawn was pale and old looking with a stone path going from the white metal mailbox to the door.

We approached the front door; Tom knocked and we waited for an answer.

The door flung open and there stood Steven, messy-haired, in a black t-shirt and dark jeans.

"Jade," Steven said, sounding surprised.

"Okay then, hello to you too," Tom answered and went inside.

Steven stepped outside and closed the door, leaving us alone on his porch.

"Aren't I allowed inside?" I asked sarcastically.

"Oh, yeah, just... I didn't know you were coming over tonight," Steven explained.

"Oh. Yeah, sorry, Tom invited me." I replied. "If you don't want me..."

"Course I want you. Here," he looked away.

"So... are we going inside then?" I looked at him weirdly.

"Oh, right. Yeah, come on in," Steven opened the door and held out his arm, motioning for me to go inside.

I stepped in through the doorway and instantly I felt a lot warmer. Walking through the house I saw the living room, the dining room and the kitchen, and it smelled like only guys lived here.

"Make yourself at home," Steven said.

'I'm sure I won't need to,' I thought to myself. "Thanks."

We came to a door at the end of the hall with a sign on it that read "Unfit For Human Habitation".

"Isn't that welcoming," I commented.

"Oh, yeah. I didn't put that there." Steven answered and opened the door, revealing a staircase leading down.

When we got about halfway down, a new smell of staleness hit me right in the face. I had to stop myself from cringing as I got to the bottom and saw Joey, Tom, Brad and Joe (plus another girl, not Courtney) looking at me entering the room.

The entire area looked a little smoky, and I almost felt constricted just breathing in. A humongous poster on the wall of a nude blonde pinup girl on the beach stood out. There was stuff everywhere - ashtrays full of cigarette butts, empty cans and bottles, even something on the floor next to the bed that I hoped to God wasn't what I thought it was - like a forgotten and uncared for attic or something. The sign on the door wasn't lying.

"Hey Jade, welcome to the basement of horrors," Joey nodded at me.

"Hey," I managed to choke out.

Tom got up off the floor to open a window - he probably noticed me struggling to breathe.

"Excuse the mess. I'd say I'm not used to having girls here, but..." Steven glanced at Joe and his girl-who-wasn't-Courtney. "That's Susan." he finished, ascended the stairs and left the room again.

Joe finally finished sucking the girl's face off and acknowledged my presence. "Kid," he teased.

"Hi," I glared.

Susan turned around, letting me see her face. She was quite pretty - blonde with big, round, blue eyes and red lips. "Hey!" she said with a smile. "You must be Steven's girl,"

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