6 - Not Dressed to Impress

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Oh, God, why did I agree to going to a party? And what's more, with them?

I took a quick shower then set to work looking for an outfit. I shuffled through my wardrobe and pulled out a black summer dress and a Led Zeppelin singlet. I threw each on my bed lazily and looked at them.

Since it was my first party like this, I didn't exactly know what kind of attire to show up in. And I couldn't exactly call Steven and ask him.

Wait, I thought, I don't dress to impress anyone. So I went with the black summer dress, black fishnet stockings and red military boots.

As I sat at my dressing table to put on my red lipstick, my mother came into my room.

"That dress looks very nice," she said. "Special occasion?"

"Oh, yeah," I said, and finished with my lipstick. "Hey, Mum, can I please go out with a couple of mates?"

She raised an eyebrow at me and looked surprised.

"I don't have any homework or anything," I added.

"Well, I mean, I don't see why not," she answered.

"Who're you going out with?"

"Uh, his name is Steven. And then there's Joe, Brad, Joey and Tom."

"All guys?"

"Well, I mean, there'll be girls where we're going."

"They're taking you to a party, aren't they?" Mum asked. I swear she was worse than me when she was a teenager.

"Can I go? I mean, it is Friday..." I asked again.

"I guess you can," she agreed.

"Thank you!" I said, and I felt relieved. I don't know why, I just did.


I checked the clock on my bedroom wall. Ten minutes to six.

I double checked how I looked in the mirror then headed to the kitchen to wait for Steven.

After a couple minutes of sitting on the couch, I heard a knock. I got up and answered it. I opened the door to reveal the long-haired guy.

His eyebrow twitched a bit when he saw me, and he swallowed.

"You look great," he said, looking at me. "I mean cool, your stockings are coo- uh, you look nice."
Steven looked flustered - he raised his hand to scratch the back of his head and he looked down.

"Thanks," I said and slowly nodded. "You look... no different to usual..." I replied. "Not that that's a horrifyingly bad thing,"

Steven opened his mouth to say something. "Awkward, let's go."

He took my hand and quickly lead me out to the waiting vehicle.

No way, I thought, a kombi van?!

"Steven, this... is... awesome!" I smiled at the bright orange kombi van. The roof had patches of rust, there was duct tape on one of the windows, but it all added to the epicness of the old van.

"You think? Thanks, most people try to turn a blind eye to her, but she's great." he said, tapping the side of it with his hand a few times.

We got into the front of the kombi, and Steven turned the radio on to a station that was playing some good old classic rock.

"So where exactly is this party?" I asked him over the music.

"On the edge of town, about half an hour's drive. And we're picking up Joey and Tom on the way." he replied.

"Alrighty," I replied, and we drove off.

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