5 - My Time is Valuable!

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Walking home from school for the second time, the first street or so was a little more familiar. I turned the corner to see Steven and Joe sitting on someone's fence a few houses down from where I was.

Joe looked up, tapped Steven on the arm and nodded towards me. Steven turned his head and saw me, and he smiled and stood up.

"What, are you stalking me now?" I said. I was really getting sick of his random appearances.

"Stalking? Me? No, no, not at all. Merely checking to see if you should get home, I mean, since you didn't even take this back this morning," he answered, and held out my map for the second time.

"Give me that," I snatched the paper from him and shoved it in my pocket.

"Way to thank me," he mumbled.

"For what?" I replied. "Following me home?"

"Wow, okay first of all, we got here before you did - totally not following you. Second -"

"Shut up," I said and walked past him.

"What's wrong with you, kid?" Joe asked as I reached him.

"Don't call me that," I scowled, "I'm sick of you people trying to... well, I don't even know what it is you're aiming for, but it's annoying the crap out of me."

I looked back at Steven as he caught up. He almost looked sad.

"So why are you trying so hard?" I sighed, feeling a little bad for going off at him.

"I'm not." he said. "Not after that," he said disappointedly and turned around.

"Oi, Steven! Wait for me, man," Joe said and stood up to follow him.

They both stopped walking when they heard me run a few steps towards them.

"Listen, sorry," I said as I stepped in front of them, without looking at either guy.

"Don't worry," Steven said and he lifted my chin.

"Dude, I apologised, I didn't ask you to touch me." I frowned again and Steven just laughed and put his hands on his hips.

"We're also here because," Steven said, "we wanted to invite you to a party,"

"He wanted to, not me," Joe joked.

"A party?" I asked. "What... kind of party?"

"Uh, you know, a party. Have you never been to a party?"

"Define party," I said.

"With loud music, lots of people, alcohol, probably dr-"

"Okay, no, no I haven't." I interrupted.

They both stood in front of me, jaws dropped and eyebrows raised.

"What? I just have better things to do with my valuable time," I explained.

"Like what? Homework? Come on, next you'll be saying that you're a virgin," Steven said and made both him and Joe laugh.

I didn't say anything and stared at Steven, annoyed.

"Oh," he said, "oh, you're kidding. You've seriously never been banged before?"

"Dude, come on," Joe said. "Who'd wanna bang an uptight little-"

"Whoa, whoa," I started. "Me? What about you? Why would any girl in their right mind want to f-"

"Girls, stop." Steven finished. "You say you're a virgin? Well we'll have to change that, won't we?"

"What?" Joe and I both exclaimed.

"I haven't even known you for half a week!" I raised my voice.

"Who said I was gonna do it? I mean, if you wanted to, I could probably make a date..." Steven implied with a wink.

"Right," I said, not thinking he was serious.

"So are you coming tonight or not?" Steven asked again.

I paused to think about whether or not I had 'better things to do with my valuable time'. I couldn't think of anything.

"May as well," I said in a defeated-sounding way.

Steven's face lit up and Joe's face did the opposite.

"Marvellous!" he shouted. "I'll come and get you at six."

Then Joe and Steven went and left me to get home my own way.

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