16 - So Many Questions!

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I sat on the end of Steven's bed staring at the top of the stairs where Tom had just been.

Does that count as a sort of... confession? I wondered to myself. Nah.

I brushed it off as Tom just being his cute, gentlemanly self - probably trying to make me feel better about the whole Erin and Steven thing, and stood up.

I approached the bottom of the stairs, took one last look at where I was just sitting - where Tom kissed my forehead - and went up the staircase.

As I reached for the door handle to open the door, it was done for me: the door burst open and flung me backwards.

"Whoa!" I cried as I lost my footing. I - stupidly - stepped back, completely missing the step. My ankle twisted and I went to grab a hold of the railing, but I missed.

A hand shot in from the other side of the door and snatched up the front of my peplum top.

My fear from earlier in the day came true - because my shirt was strapless, down it went.

Thankfully, though, the hand still had a hold of me, so I didn't fall backwards any more.

After my initial fright I looked up to see Steven with saucer-sized eyes frantically trying to make sure I didn't go down.

I took his other hand and he pulled me back up to a proper standing position.

"Shit, Jade, I'm so sorry, are you okay?" Steven coughed. His eyes kept flicking between my exposed bra and anywhere else.

"Far out," I muttered and pulled up my top, frowning at the thought of what just happened.

Steven pointed down the stairs and descended them. "You coming down?"

I opened my mouth to say: "I was just on my way out, remember, you nearly knocked me down the stairs?" - but instead, I replied with: "Yeah, sure,"

So I carefully trekked down and claimed the beanbag that Tom was sitting on not five minutes ago.

"I'm sorry for blowing up in your face." Steven admitted quietly.

It took me a second to actually realise what he was talking about. "Oh, yeah, no - don't worry, sorry for - uh, hitting that nerve, or whatever," I spat.

Steven nodded slowly. Then he looked at me with a cheeky grin. "So... wearing a black bra, eh?"

"Oi! Back off!" I screeched and crossed my arms.

"Lower half match the top half?"

"Back off, I said!"

"Come on, I'll show you mine if you show me yours?" Steven stood up and began to unbutton his pants.

"Oh, God, no!" I buried my head in my folded arms, putting me in a ball-shape. After a few seconds I deemed it safe to peek and lifted my head.

But, nope! Steven's pants were down around his ankles!

"Oh, whoops, didn't realise that happened," Steven fibbed. Then, after I realised I was still looking at him in that state: "Ohoho, does Jade Simone Esquire like what she sees?"

"N- wait, how the damn hell do you know my full name?" I questioned.

"I have certain amounts of access to certain files in certain people's possession," Steven tapped the side of his nose and winked.

"You raided the school files?"

"It sounds better when I say it," Steven shrugged and collapsed onto his bed after pulling his pants back up to their proper place. I narrowed my eyes at his... weirdness.

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