20 - Crazy Dreamin' With a Hint of Gorgeous Blonde

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I woke up to a hand making its way across my waist and I smiled. I spun around underneath the covers to face Steven.

"Good morning," he whispered.

"Morning," I whispered back.

"Wait, how did you get in here?" I frowned.

"You thought about me, now I'm here."

"What? I didn't think about you..." I sat up and quickly got out of my bed.

"How did you get in here?" I repeated.

"I told you, you thought of me. You like me, don't you?" Steven climbed across the bed towards me.

"I do not!" I stepped backwards. "Get out of my room!"

Steven kept moving towards me and put his hands on my shoulders. "Admit it," he taunted.

My eyes opened in the dark. I looked next to me in the bed: empty. I made out that my clock said 3:42.

"I've known he likes me for no time at all and I'm dreaming about him already?" I sighed. How annoying.

I plumped the pillows up and sat leaning against them.

"I barely know the guy, I can't like someone who I know next to nothing about. And why am I talking to myself?"

I rested my head against the wall and stared out the window. By the time I was done with my staring and thinking, the clock read 3:51, so I went back to sleep.


Sunday through to Wednesday went by super slowly. Nothing exciting really happened, except for Joey, on Tuesday, throwing a green frog at Joe and his (yet another) girlfr- well, fuck buddy, at lunch time.

That is, until I walked past a "help wanted" poster on the glass door of a café on Thursday afternoon.

I had decided to further explore the shopping complex in my suburb and stumbled across a newly-renovated café. It was difficult to tell whether it was closed or open when I walked past, but then I spotted the badly placed "OPEN" sign on the window.

So inside I went, and I was immediately greeted with the aroma of fresh pancakes, coffee and sandwiches. It was warm inside, too; homely, almost.

"How can I help you, honey?" said a chubby lady in a black top, dark brown hair piled on top of her head, behind the counter.

"Hello," I smiled kind of shyly at her, "I noticed your sign advertising wanted help. I'm wondering if I could apply for a position?"

"Absolutely!" the brunette lady replied with a beaming smile. "I'll grab the manager for you, take a seat."

So I sat down on a bench stool and waited for the manager to arrive.

Just a minute later the lady returned with the manager in tow. He was a taller lad, and he looked younger than I for some reason expected for someone in a managerial position. Not gunna lie, I was immediately attracted to his overall appearance.

His dusty blonde hair looked thick, in a style that was short at the sides and back, with curly length falling to the right on top of his head.

He donned a black shirt, similar to the pretty brunette lady, plus a grey baggy jacket, and as he walked through the (I assumed) kitchen door I noticed that he wore light jeans.

His dark brown eyes were kind as he introduced himself. His gorgeous self.

"Hi there," he extended his hand for a shake, and I took it, "I'm Mitchell. As Ruby would have mentioned, I'm the manager here. I understand you saw our help wanted poster?"

"Um, I did. Yeah." I tried my best not to fail at a return smile.

"Have you got a résumé on you?"

"Oh, no I don't, sorry. I just saw your sign and came inside."

"Initiative, very good." Mitchell looked at me with what appeared to be curiosity. "Do you have time for a quick interview?" He motioned back to the door he came out of.

"Uh, I suppose I do, okay," I replied and I followed him to the back of the store.

Firstly through the kitchen, then through a doorway to the left - a staff-room-lunch-room-locker-room kind of thing - then further on through to a door.

Mitchell opened the white office door and allowed me to step in first. The little office was cosy and smelled of vanilla. Mitchell told me to sit down next to the desk, which was at such a level of tidy that I almost found it strange.

"I'm sorry, what did you say your name is?" Mitchell lifted his eyebrows and smiled in wait.

"It's Jade. And I didn't say." Oops. I shouldn't have been sarcastic at a job interview, no matter how on-the-spot it was.

"Oh," he laughed the slightest, "my bad."

The interview consisted of questions like "What do you think are your strengths and weaknesses?", "How much experience in this field do you have?" and "What kind of hobbies do you enjoy?"

After having a general conversation with him, Mitchell decided to ask me a question which I was surprised he didn't ask sooner: "By the way, how old are you?"

"I'm sixteen," I answered with a smile.

"I see. Well, from what I've heard this afternoon I think you'd do well here. You're hired," Mitchell shot me a friendly wink and gave me more details - when I'd be starting, my pay and some other stuff.

Mitchell showed me back out to the main café and announced to Ruby the news of their new employee and we ended up chatting for a bit.

Then, I thanked them for their time and left the lovely little shop.


Arriving back at home, I was confronted with the scene of Theresa and Johnny backing out of my driveway. Johnny spotted me and winked my way before Theresa sped away.

"Mum!" I called when I made it inside. My mother was sitting on the couch completing a crossword puzzle in a magazine.

Ignoring what I witnessed outside, I told her what had just happened to me at the café.

"Oh, well that's wonderful! Congratulations, Jade. When do you start?"

"Saturday morning," I told Mum.

"Great. I'll drive you on the way to work," Mum smiled at me and I went upstairs to my bedroom.

It took me a while to notice the messy scribble on my small whiteboard above my desk. "JOHNNY WAS HERE XOX" was scrawled right across the top. That bastard was in my room! That's it, I'm asking for a lock.

I had a brief scout around my room to check whether Johnny had touched, or even taken, anything else. Luckily for his sake nothing seemed to be out of place.

Noticing that it was late - apparently I was chatting with Mitchell and Ruby for a long time - I changed into my grey pyjamas and started to read a Mick Jagger biography that I hadn't begun yet.

But my mind kept wandering back to this afternoon in that café. That Mitchell guy's pretty cute. I wonder how old he is?

A/N: For some reason I can't italicise my text. Not sure if it's just me doing something wrong, but I wonder who else is having this problem? So for now, thoughts etc. will be bolded instead of italicised.

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