chapter twenty-eight

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Rachel Dare had never talked to Gwen, and as the days went on she made less of an effort to speak. Speaking was painful, the words no longer easily flooded out of her mouth like that had previously.

She often thought about what would happen if Percy had gotten to be king. She would learn to read. She wouldn't be reliant in just picture books. She could see the strange characters that are known as letters form into sentences that formulated into paragraphs, and then there was chapters and chapters make a story. Rachel longed for something new, something different from the world she knew.

This was no the wold she wished to visit, though. This was something that would not be in a picture book with flowers. This world was deathly, full of bloody daggers and evil beings that think they are doing good by murder.

In the end, everyone just wants to be on the top of the world.

Rachel couldn't help but wonder when she would die. She knew it was such a horrid thing to think of, but how could she not wonder? The dead rotting smell of bodies only got stronger throughout the days.

Rachel was so lost in her own imageries that she didn't notice the presence of the guards until one grabbed her roughly by the arm, dragging her up painfully. She winced at the contact.

"Get up, girl" the guard growled at Rachel.

Rachel was held up by her neck be him force. He looked like something just went horribly wrong. Usually, she was use her wits to get out of these kind of situations, but her words would fail her with her barely being able to breathe with his arm on her neck.

She couldn't breathe-

Just then, the guard snapped her neck, cutting her off from the world. Gwen screamed.

The guard just seemed to notice her presence. He angrily growled and sliced her neck with his dagger.


I'm sure the tired of hearing this, but I'm sorry for the shortness of it.

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