chapter seventeen

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Percy charged through the ranks, using up his adrenaline as much as he dared. He didn't know why he was fighting so hard, but being back to back with Annabeth made him have a will to live grow stronger.

As he saw the dark figures if his  around him, he felt a spark of protection for them. He had felt more love from this group than he had ever growing up.

Who do you fight for? Poseidon would ask him when he was younger.

My city-state. The young boy would respond without hesitation. He was a gullible little kid that was just like his father. But as his age grew, he would still say he fought for the same thing out loud, but he had the thought deep in his mind that he didn't want to fight for his city-state only. He wanted something else to fight for.

He now saw the people he had aquatinted from a young age, but never actually knew them. They were fighting side my side with him, he wanted to keep that. They would give him more love than his father ever would. And not just because his dad was dead.

But his mind lingered on his mom. Sally Jackson, the woman that never wronged Percy. She just wanted her son the be happy, and now she won't ever get to see him grow up completely.

"Oh, won't you come with me// Where the moon is made of gold//And the morning sun// We'll be sailing// Oh, wont you come with me// Where the ocean meets the sky// And as the clouds roll by// We'll sing the song of the sea."

Sally would always sing that old song to him as a lullaby. As a child when he got to scared to stressed, she would sing that song. Just hearing her footsteps glide in his direction while engrossing her smell of her perfume could calm down. But when she sang, the world seemed to float away.

"It's okay, sweetie. Don't worry. Tomorrow is a new day, so don't stress about this one."

Sally reminded him of Annabeth a bit. The calmness they brought to him, the reminder that eventually everything would be okay.

But it's not okay right now. He had a suspicion that he may die pretty soon, and he hadn't even kissed Annabeth yet.

Woah—he thought. He was surprised that he wanted to feel the cracked skin of Annabeth's lips against his. As he stabbed another soldiers in the gut, he turned around to face Annabeth.

He grabbed her shoulders, turned her around, and kissed her full in the lips. She had hair a moment of hesitation before she kissed him back. She had no calming perfume, and her heels weren't steadily clicking against the floor, but she was even more beautiful than before.

Her messy blonde curly hair that was not done in a complicated hairstyle, but was sticking her her face with sweat. Her gray eyes were the same as always, fierce, intimating, and beautiful. He was not in a heavy dress, and was in pants and a shirt, and her body smelled like sweat.

Percy wanted to deepen the kiss, but he remembered that he was about to die. And this time, he wasn't fighting for his city-state. He was fighting for his friends.


Selina, Clarisse, Annabeth, and Percy has formed a square shaped fighting stance.

Selina has never fought so hard in her life. She had always been a quiet and obedient child. She had to do it to survive. But now, she had to survive he different means.

The only thing keeping her going was now she felt needed. She was just a slave her whole life. That's what she was taught, and that's what she believed.

Until Beckendorf. When she met him, she was so happy. And when they got together, he made her believe she was important. Maybe not to everyone else, but to him. And that's all that really mattered.

When he died, she had trouble focusing. She just wanted to cry in a corner for a long time. When Clarisse noticed this, she asked what happened, and Selina cried in Clarisse's arms for a while after that. Selina still wasn't over his death.

She remembered when a survivor told her that his last words were "Selina!" That just hit hard.

Maybe she wasn't just fighting because she felt needed. She was fighting for justice for Beckendorf.

A blonde headed Roman warrior flashed by her, leaving a deep gash in her leg. The warrior laughed. The laugh didn't run a bell to her, but it did to Percy.

"OCTAVIAN!" Percy roared.

"It's me!" Octavian cheered. "Should've killed me sooner, Your Highness. The guards and the legion let me out. I was feeding them information the entire time."

Percy growled and lashed out at Octavian, breaking the fighting square. Octavian only lashed back. Percy was much stronger, so he had Octavian on the ground in a second.

"WELCOME THE PRAETORS OF ROME, GAEA AND KRONOS!" Octavian bellowed bellowed before Percy lodged the sword in his throat. He gave a last scream, before it became obvious that he would move no more.

Just as Octavian said, the Praetors of Rome came in, with enough soldiers to make Selina believe that they were done for.

She lost all the hope she had. She was tired, and all her moves were getting sloppy. Her eyelids began to drop. She wasn't watching her back. She wound Octavian gave her was setting her back.

She felt a sharp pain the middle of her back. She gave a deathly scream, and fell to her knees.

"SELINA!" Clarisse yelled, rushing over quickly. Her eyes were bloodshot and angry.

She quickly killed the person that hurt Selina, but the damage was done.

Selina crashed if her back, unable to stay on her knees. She felt the sticky blood deep out. Her sticky blood.

Clarisse yelled for Will frantically, but the garden was huge, and Selina was loosing blood fast.

Selina grabbed Clarisse's arm, causing her to stop yelling for Will.

"I-I was more than just a slave?" She whispered. 

"You were so much more." Clarisse choked. Selina has never seen her cry.

The world seemed to be changing. She could see his tall figure, his big arms that she so wanted to give her a hug, those kind eyes....

"Charlie, see Charlie." Selina gasped. Then her soul left her body. She went to give Charlie a long needed hug.


Okay, this time I actually am sorry. I teared up some.

Well, how badly do you want me to die like Selina on a scale of 1-10? I'm curious ;)

Also, thank you guys so much for 1.04k reads! I love you all <3

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