chapter twenty

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The second Katie was thrown into the cell with Travis and Connor, she knew life would only do downhill from there.

But when a Roman guard and took Connor Stoll, Travis and Katie knew what was going to happen. Travis let out a blood curdling scream. It was full of pain. It's like the guards didn't even see them as humans. They didn't hesitate to take away Conor, and they didn't hesitate to slap Travis in the face to distract him from the fact that they just took his little brother.

Travis fell with a hard thump on the floor. Katie picked him up gently by the face, tears streaming down her face. Travis was so weak. Conor was his life force.

Tears were also pouring down his dirty, sweaty, and bloody face. The veins on his forehead were popping out with furry at the guards.

Travis grabbed Katie by the hip. He looked at her in the eyes, pleading to stay with him. They stayed like that for a long time, savoring the short time they had together.

A scream was heard. It wasn't from Katie or Travis. It was Connor's. It wasn't a fun scream like the ones when you get a scare, it was one of pain.

It went silent. The scream was no more. Travis let out a gasp, going limp. And Katie couldn't help him. Travis was trapped, and he was alone. He wasn't there. He was gone.

"I'm here, okay?" Katie said softly. "Stay with me, okay?"

Travis didn't respond.

"Hold on, Travis." She pleaded. "We can't take naps right now...."

Katie knew deep down he was taking more than just a nap.

"Hold on....I still need you."

Katie was talking to herself now.

"Please don't leave me!"

She can't take this anymore....His body was so cold.....

"Let's go home..."

But where is home now?

"Come back.....I still need you...."

This time Katie let out the cry. It wasn't an ear-piercing, blood-curling cry, it was soft and quiet. The tears were hot as Katie held onto Travis's dead body.

Broken-heart syndrome. Katie had heard it, but never seen it happen. There was no pool of blood, but it felt like she was bleeding out.

Not seen as people now, are we, Travis?

Katie grabbed the last flower she had in her hair that hadn't fallen out. She wrapped Travis's hands around the flower.

It was a sunflower, her favorite. The yellow reminded her of happiness. Why did the Romans have to take away her yellow?

Travis is in a field of yellow right now. With Connor.

Katie placed her head in Travis's chest, and went to find her yellow. She wouldn't see the dark, bad, and dead flowers ever again.


I'm sorry it's late. Someone needs to remind me that I am writing this awful thing.

Don't forget that there always is a yellow in the world.

On a happy note, I entered this story in the Pjo Watty awards under the AU category! *cheers* (PercyJacksonAwards )

So don't forget to vote so I could maybe win. It would make me happy 🥺👉👈


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