chapter four

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Kayla waited obediently for Prince Will to return. She stood like any good slave for a prince would. Perfect posture, hands behind her back, and head down.

She had been with Prince Will since she could preform a task. Her mother had been a slave in King Apollo's castle since she was born. But when Kayla was three, her mother was murdered. Since she was so young, she went under the wing of her mother's close friend, Daren. (See authors note at the end)

She was just a regular slave in the castle, following Daren around until King Apollo ordered that she be the personal slave to his eldest son, Will when she was six.

For reasons unknown to anyone, the king really despised Kayla. So he gave her one of the most strict jobs in the castle, being owned by one of the most important people in the city-state.

Will was only eight when he got Kayla, and he didn't get the concept of owing a person, so he tried to befriend Kayla. But she got severely punished by King Apollo for it.

She still had the marks on her back from the whip.

She wasn't excused from work the next day. She hid her pain well, so Will kept on trying. She just got herself as far away from him as possible.

When Apollo found out that Will was trying to befriend her, but he wouldn't punish his son. He punished his slave in front of him.

Will watched as Kayla was whipped while she was tied around a post. You could see that Will hated what was happening to her. He tried to get Apollo to call it off, but he didn't listen. He just sneered at Kayla for something she didn't do.

After the whipping, Apollo walked away, dragging his son with him.

For the next few weeks, she was in intense pain. Will was as mad as an eight year old could get, and he wanted to tell his father that everything that happened was wrong, but he was clever. He knew not to say anything.

And that was when Will Solace learned the importance of being emotionless. Because if you didn't, innocent people got hurt.

Kayla heard the door creak open and she saw Will. She silently curtsied and waited to see if he needed anything.

He was dripping wet. His blond hair was a mess and stuck out in odd places. For the first time in years, Will's blue eyes were lit up. They were no longer dull, and they sparkled like sapphires. He is a rare genuine smile, like he had just had an amazing time doing whatever he just did.

"Hey, Kayla?" Will asked.

She looked up, trying to hide her confusion. Out of fear of hurting Kayla again, Will never talked to her unless it was an order.

"So-uh-" he wrinkled his hands nervously. "Now that Dad isn't around...I-I was thinking...that we could try to get to know each other?"

She stared at him. She blinked twice.

"Look," he started. "There is no way Dad can hurt you. When we leave here, I'll be the King of Delphi, so if he somehow finds out, he can't hurt you because I'm in power."

She blinked one more before saying, "I accept, your highness."

She had never see Will beam like he did. His blue eyes were bright. He genuinely looked excited for this.

He sat down on a chair and gestures for Kayla to do the same.

"In this," Will said. "Let's pretend I'm just Will."

She nodded.

"What's your favorite color?" He asked.

She wanted to laugh at the very cliche question, but decided against it. "Bright green," She said. "You?"

"Yellow," he responded. "Now'a your turn to ask."

She thought for a moment. "What would you want to be if you got to choose?"

"Doctor," He said without hesitation. "I've seen many do what they do, and I've always had a fascination with it. I have even picked up on a few things. What about you?"

She thought for a moment. "Hunter. I've always loved archery, and I would love to spend my days using a bow and arrow."

He nodded, and they continued to ask questions back and forth. When she asked why he was wet, he told her how Percy got them to go outside in the rain, and how much he enjoyed talked to the Prince of Thebes.

"His dark hair, his dark eyes..." he gushed. "Gosh, Kayla, he's so hot."

She smiled. He hadn't even been here a night, and he already had the hots for someone.

"Do you think he likes you back?" She mused.

He groaned. "Probably not. He probably doesn't even know I'm bisexual." (See authors note at the end)

She laughed and he froze.


"You know I'm bisexual?"

Kayla rolled her eyes. "Will, I've known you since you were eight, I've seen the way you look at men and women."

"Oh," he said quite stupidly.

She laughed again. "It's getting late. I'm going to the slave quarters."

They bid goodbye and Kayla walked down to her temporary chambers at Corinth.

Maybe this won't be so bad after all, she thought as she plopped down on her bed.



1.) Look, I know it's cannon that Kayla does not have a mortal mother, but since this is not Greek Mythology, and this is just Ancient Greece, the same sex relationship will not be a factor in this story. But you will find out why Will's personal slave is his sister later!

2.) It never says wether or not Will is gay, bi, or pan. I feel like every fanfic says he is gay, so I wanted to make his bisexual for a nice little change. If you looked at the image above, you would see that that is my proof. I got if off of the LGBT+ Fandom page for Rick Riordan books.

3.) I freaking love Apollo, Kayla, Austin, and Will. It hurts me to write Apollo like this, but he will have his reasons later.

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