Final Author's Note

148 9 22

Not gonna lie I was about to cry in those last two lines.

This story started out as me waning to go into the darker side of Percy Jackson. The part with the pain, the death, the pressure the kids faced.

If you've followed me along this journey, thank you so much. It's been a mess, from my long break from Wattpad, to the short and bad chapters because I mentally could not handle writing, thanks if you stayed this long.

On a less positive side, I tried to do so much with this story, and I kinda failed lol. I tried to develop every single character I put in this story, Rick Riordan even said 7 characters was hard, so it's obvious that it's hard. But that's the good thing about being a fanfic writer is that you don't have to develop relationships completely. You still should, but it's a good place to start if your a beginner writer like me.

Also, throughout this story, I also learned a lot about writing. I learned how to better develop characters (or at least know how to not do it), I learned so much about my actually writing style. On my new story, Expectations, I finally have a solid style and I'm actually proud of it. (Okay, self promo done xD)

After that ramble, I owe some people some thanks.

First off, Caleoforever29 you voted on every chapter, you are awesome. I'm sorry I did not give Caleo justice 😬

Next, just_an_astrophile you also voted, commented, and inspired me. I frickin adore you, honey. I think I've already said how much I love you, but you are the actual best.

And finally, berrycrush90 Do I even need to tell you why? You commented, voted, and inspired me throughout the first time you actually started reading. I still get a smile when I see your name in my notifications.

Thanks to the readers that I do not know he name off, that still read this horrid thing. You all are amazing too!!!!

Love you all, and thanks again.


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