chapter twenty-four

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Reyna supposed she would have been good friends with Thalia Grace if they hadn't been locked up in a death cell. She was a fiery spirit, and the girl had had many arguments with the guards about the food proportions, and they had got beaten up pretty badly when she asked about the well-being of their friends.

It's not like Reyna wasn't a fighter, either. She chose a more silent fight, though. She memorized the walks of the guards, the certain way they unlocked their cell, and noticed there was a huge loose concrete block that shone a bit of light through it.

Throughout the days they had been there, she slowly pulled the concrete block away from its home. She had to do it slow, because the sound it would make would not be discrete. Slowly doing it without the guards noticing was a hard task, but she had a been a slave to a very powerful king's son for a large proportion of her life.

But Reyna's thoughts countered her concrete blocks plan. There was less and less food being given each day, and they had little energy. She could only pray that they didn't kick the bucket before the block went through.

But one day, success was avail. She supposed she used up all of her luck on getting the rock through without a loud sound, and she had this gut feeling that this was not going to end well.

But she ignored her get as she climbed through the block, just big enough for their slim bodies to go through, and climbed down the tower.


The hot sun bared in Reyna's eyes and she didn't know how she could stand it. "Let's get a drink," Thalia dragged Reyna over to the nearest bar. She slapped some money on the bar table. Reyna didn't want to know how she got that.

"Give us two of your strongest." Thalia said.

He bartender greedily grabbed the coins and gave them two drinks that the both gulped down. Reyna instantly doubled over in a coughing fit. Thalia's fit came a minute later. 

The bartender let out a evil cackle. "Your not from here, girlies. I saw you come out of the castle, we have eyes everywhere. You can't come out of Rome."

Reyna glared at the bartender with swaying motions. He just laughed more. "Dizzy yet? Poison should be setting in soon."

Reyna's vision was getting blurry. She was fuming mad. She worked so hard to get out of that trenched cell.

Thalia attempted to attack the bartender, but she was already too weak and too dizzy to provide any success.

Reyna saw a stick on the ground, and in one last attempt to get revenge, she threw it to the best of her ability, giving him a slice in the forehead.

The last this Reyna saw was the man advancing towards her.



It's a Harry Potter fanfic called 'Expectations'!

I worked really hard on it, and I think the writing is MUCH better in that story. I care more about that one too lol. (Sorry 'Not Your Choice', you tire me)

Btw the description it pretty bad, but I think the story idea is good.

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