chapter three

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Jason quietly ate his food. It was excellent, of course, but he missed his home already. Although he hated his large home, he had gotten used to the familiar smells and footsteps of the slaves.

He noticed how Percy never seemed to stop eating. He forced himself not to stare at the royal in horror.

Jason also noticed how soft clinks on the roof that indicated rain turned into the rain falling so hard there was eventually a leak in the roof.

Percy noticed this and called, "Rachel!"

A curly red-headed girl who appeared to be about the same age as Jason and his peers, came into the the room with a bucket and a devilish smile aimed at Percy. Percy smiled back and nodded.

Percy's smile had a trouble-making aura to it and Jason couldn't help but feel a tiny bit scared.

Rachel put the bucket under the place if the dripping, and walked away without a word.

After they all finished, Percy asked, "You guys want to go outside?" His unsettling smile returned to his face.

Jason narrowed his eyes at him. "In this weather?"

The others seemed to have the same idea as Jason.

Percy rolled his eyes. "Come on, guys. Don't you see this as an opportunity?"

When nobody responded, Percy continued. "We're supposed to fall in love," Percy looked disgusted at the idea. "So why don't we strip out emotionless masks, and have some fun while our parents aren't watching our every move?"

Percy didn't wait for their response. He ran out the door, and with everyone having no choice but to follow, they chased Percy down the castle corridors with Rachel silently at their heels. Why was she coming? King Zeus always taught Jason to see slaves as an object, something you own. But Percy, he seemed to befriend the slaves.

They passed two kids about their ages who ran around the castle, and Jason guesses those were the kids Percy warned everyone about, Connor and Travis. They were currently on top of a suspiciously low hanging chandelier.

"Hey, Stolls!" Percy yelled. "Can you stop breaking everything and tell Chris that I'm sorry for the work I'm about to give him?"

Jason assumed Chris was a slave.

When the Stolls noticed Percy, the fell off of the chandelier in surprise. To their luck, they landed in their feet. They both looked identical with their curly brown hair and mischievous smirks.

They bowed in unison to the group.

"Your highnesses," The also said in unison.

Percy rolled his eyes. Jason as growing more curious of Percy by the second.

"So about that message..."

"On it!" Said one of the Stolls.

"By the way, sire" said the other. "You forgot to empty your pockets." He waved a golden drachma in Percy's face and ran off with his brother.

Percy sighed, but was smiling slightly. "Told you,"

Percy began to walk to the back doors of the castle, and the guards opened them.

The rain was pounding on the ground, but thunder never boomed and lighting never stroke.

Percy carefully took the crown off of his head and placed he on the ground and stepped out in the rain. He seemed to have a newfound energy. He wasn't behind a mask, he was his own person.

Jason was surprised by the next move.

Clarisse La Rue stepped out and scowled at them. "Take advantage of the opportunity." She threw her tiara in no particular direction, and it ended up in Will Solace's hands. Jason heard that Apollo's kids had excellent aim and could catch about anything. Turns out he was right. Will placed the tiara gently on the ground.

One by one, everyone stepped in the rain. When Jason did, he savored the light droplets in his skin. It was a foreign feeling, but he couldn't help but smile, a rare, genuine smile.

Somehow, Rachel and Percy got into a mud fight. Jason and Annabeth Chase stopped to watch them. Percy eventually got Rachel to the ground, and she glared at him.

"You are so dead, Jackson," she said while getting up. He took off running. Rachel just stood there, watching Percy's figure run away. She began to pick the peices off mid out of her hair.

Annabeth narrowed her piercing and complex grey eyes at the red-headed girl. Rachel didn't seem to notice, or she didn't look at Annabeth.

Jason and Annabeth both turned away from the girl at the same time.

Annabeth looked at Jason. "How has she not been executed?" She whispered. Jason could tell it was killing Annabeth not knowing.

"I don't know," Jason admitted. "I don't like slavery, but my father enforced it. And if a slave didn't do their job or was rude to a person higher than them, they were whipped to death."

Annabeth nodded in agreement. "That's why my handmaiden and I always speak in private."

He arched an eyebrow. He and Reyna sure never spunk in a friendly manner. The only time he ever talked to her was to give an order.

Annabeth noted his confusion. She smirked. "You and your personal slave don't get along, do you?"

"Not at all," Jason confirmed. "She doesn't like me. I know she has very big dreams and goals from when I've heard her talking to other slaves. Perhaps she believes I have the same beliefs as my father."

"My handmaiden, Piper, is the ideal slave for a royal according to my mother. But when we are alone, she is the opposite."

Jason envied her. He has never really had a friend growing up. He decided that he would try to have a civil conversation with Reyna sometime. They had known each other for years, so why not try to make friend with her like he is supposed to do with the royals?


Sadly, this is not a Jeyna story. I kinda ship Jason and Reyna's younger selves (although I do see Reyna as a gay icon).

Also, this will not be a Theyana story. I personally hate Theyana, and not because it's two girls (I'm not homophobic), it's because I don't like the ship. I have read The Tyrants Tomb, and I don't ship them, and both of them are Hunters in the books! No romantic love for them!

(Also, it is sadly not a Brason/Jason x Stapler story. Although they are up in the OTP list!)

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