Ch.32( Kade's squad vs The New Rala)

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Akito said " If im correct about this,Rala should be heading Through Azako Forest At the moment." Baki said "Azako forest....I can teleport us There in 5 minutes." Akito said "We have no time." Baki said " Bet. I can do it in 2." Akito said "Lets go."

(2 Minutes Later,in azako forest)

Rala 2.0 Said " Looks like im Being pursued. " Kai said " Fire Pillar!!"  Rala 2.0 said " Fire pillar." Kai said "tsk."

(Random Flashback)

Kade said " I've got 1 plan and 1 plan only. Kai,You're going to be a decoy." Kai said " How?"  Kade said " Not in the way you'd use a decoy. Kai, you'll deal the first blow.  Specifically,if this rala 2.0 copies your exact attack,then signal us,alright?" Kai said " ive got no objections."


Kai said " Do it now!" Kade said "ok!!!" Isami said " Earth Spear!!" Rala 2.0 said " Earth Spear!!" Isami said "Shit!"  Kade said " Smokescreen!!" Rala 2.0's voice changed at that moment "Still the same old kade." Everyone in Kade's squad got suprised. Kade said "Retreat!!" Kai said "Why!? We just started to fight!!" Kade said "Just retreat!!!!"

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