Ch.7(Kade's retrieval)

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Andres sent Michael and Kai on a mission to retrieve Kade.

(Meanwhile, at the black death hideout)

Katsu said "they always are quick to reac-"  Michael said "Wind explosion!!" Akato said "That was way too perfect timing."  Kai said " seems this just got easy." Akato said "Stone Barrier." Michael said "damn!" Katsu said "Damn that immortal bastard, what good Is it going to of you suprise your comrade more then your enemy? Huh?" Kade said " Actually, it worked to my benefit without Rala noticing. Thank your comrade for me in the afterlife."  Katsu said " Damn you Rala! You got 2 of em while im stuck with the captive- wait, the captive???!??!" Kade said " Smoke Cannon!"

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