Ch.44(The journey to the land of ice)

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Kato said " Hey uh Yuro, Ever since we've left Andres's office you've been acting weird." Yuro said "Its just The land of Ice brings back some bad memories. " Yuro suddenly gasped. Yuro Thought "This Elemental Energy...Don't tell me..." Yuro said "Get ready. We're nearing the enemy." Asher said "Ok."

(At the land of ice)

Yuro said "Shit! Behind You!"  Asher said " Ice Pillars!" Rala 2.0 said " Crystal wall!" Yuro said " He knows an Ancient Element?!" Rala 2.0 said "Reanimation!" 2 coffins rose up out of the ground. Kato said" if I recall... Those two are..Jason..and Katsu."  Katsu said "hell yeah! Wait why'd I get reanimated with jason?!" Jason said "You died before me ,baka!" Katsu said "Oh hell! You died Before me Baka!!" Kato said "Ice Chop." Katsu said "Huh!?" Jason said "Shit." Rala 2.0 said " Ice
dimension." Yuro said "Shit. Body switching technique!"  Asher and Kato got switched. Yuro and Rala 2.0 went into the Ice dimension.

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