Ch.27(Kagito backstory arc-The decralation of war)

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Yurai ,yugito,and kagito went to the land of snow to discuss the matter of a group of thieves who called themselves the black death. One of the landlords said "Why are we worrying about a group of peasants!?" Yurai said(while grinning Maliciously)  "dont fret over such a small orginization. We elemental gods will handle it in due time." Kagito whispered to yugito "what does he mean,handle it in due time?" Yugito said "Not entirely sure." The land of Steel's landlord,Zach,said "I want to know what you mean,yurai." Yurai said " In any case," then he smiled way too devishly. "What i mean.....Is that i,the Elemental king,WILL HANDLE THE ELEMENTAL GODS!!!!!" Kagito said "Damn!!" A pillar of ice appeared in the middle of the room and proceeded to rip through the stomachs of 3 if the 7 kandlords there,and dissapeared. Yurai then left. Yugito said "Damn it all." And Declared war on Yurai 1 year later.

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