Ch.15(The Mission To Kill Akato)

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Andres Called A Elemental gods meeting.

Quinn said "Why did you call a meeting?" Akito said "not all of us are here though."  ibako said "Maybe there is a reason?" Andres said "there is. We need darui."  Darui said "why did you call a meeting andres?" Andres said " I just received word From Kai that michael is dead." Quinn said "wow. Who killed him?" Andres said " Rala. Or more older brother Akato. I got word that apparently Akato erased our memories of him being Rala." Ibako said "wow." Andres said "so were foung to take him out." Akito said "Akato is immortal, correct?" Andres said "there is reverse reaper." Darui said " hiw are we going to het him to use it?" Andres said " Humanizing spell." Darui said "oh yeah you used that on damian." Andres said " lets depart!"

(In the forest)

Andres said " Based on our intel akato is heading this way." Quinn said " Are you sure?" Andres said " well i can see him." Suddenly reanimated Dako said " I'll Allow Andres to pass. The rest of you have to stay." Andres said "fine." Andres got inside the stone temple. Akato said " Its been a while...little brother."

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