Ch.40(Ice God reanimation cavern)

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Andres said "Ok! Yuro,Jonah,kade,Kai,Aki,akito, And Akari Head to yugito's body." Yuro said "Yes sir!!"

(At The Ice God Reanimation cavern)
Akari said "God damn,how many stairs do we have to walk down!?" Aki said "Shut Up." Yuro said " Not Many stairs to go." Akari said "Why so many?" Yuro said "Mainly for security reasons.It helps for Enemy detection purposes." Akari said "Ah I see- SHIT!!!" as an ice axe went past akari's head. Yuro said "Its designed to attack Anyone that is seen as an enemy. Welp anyways,we're here." Yuro Walked over to a case and opened it. Yuro pulled out yugito's body,which was encased in ice.  Alito said "uh." Yuro said "You saw something,Akito?" Alito said "Its Jokeri!!! And....Reanimated Isacc......." Yuro said "Shit!"

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