Ch.21(Yuro and orochi vs yurai)

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Yuro said " Ice Pillars!!" Orochi said " Arcane bomb!" Yurai said " Ice shield!" Yuro said "4 ice dragons!" Yurai said "Magestic Destroying ice Beasts!" Orochi said " Arcane Eternal flare!" Yurai jumped out of the way and said " HaHa. Ice Crystal Demon Mode!" Orochi said "Wait what!?" Yuro said " What is that!?" Orochi said "its yurai's curse mode and demon crystal mode combined!" Yuro said " Alright then." Yurai said " Ice crystal demon shuriken!" Orochi and yuro got blasted back 30 meters. Yuro said " I don't wanna know what the hell his curse mode is like." Yurai said " Ice crystal sphere!!"yuro and orochi were trapped. Yurai said " To get out of there one of you must die.oh wait orochi is dead.soooo." yurai ssaid " Ice crystal demon peircing pole!!" Orochi dissolved after being hit. Yuro was going to fight more...but decieded against it and left."

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