Ch.46(Another freaking Rala face reveal)

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(Ok,so at this point its obvious who rala 2.0 is, but I'm gonna just write a chapter about it anyway.)

Rala 2.0 teleported out of the Ice dimension. Kato said "Huh?!" Rala 2.0 Ran into the forest. Then yuro did the same.

rala 2.0 said "you're Stubborn." Yuro said "Ice Dragon!" Rala 2.0 said "Stone Wall!"  Rala 2.0 stopped and said " Ice stone Dragon wall!" And then Rala 2.0 left. Yuro Said "Well , this may be trouble. Ice blade!" And pursued Rala 2.0 .

The forest came to an end and Rala 2.0 and Yuro began to fight in a field.  Yuro said "Ice Spikes." Rala 2.0 said "Fire wall!"  Yuro said "Earthquake!" Rala 2.0 said " Fire Rain!"  Yuro said "Ice dimension!" Rala 2.0 said "Too slow!" Yuro said "Damn!" Suddenly One of yuro's ice clones Appeared behind Rala 2.0 . Rala 2.0 thought " He beat me to it.... Damn you Yuro!" Yuro's Clone said "Who.." Rala 2.0 said " No!!!" Yuro's Clone continued " .. Are you!! Lightning Snake!!"  

The dust settled. Yuro said "Is that you...... Astro?"

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