Ch.22(The Urgent message)

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After returning Yuro went to go meet kagito but kagito was sent on a mission so yuro went to see andres.when he had atrived there Yuro said " Huh?! You sent kagito on a mission to infiltrate and kill yurai!??" Andres said "He's the strongest here by far. Its our only option." Yuro said "i guess." Andres said "and he has 1000 elemental soldiers with him." Then suddenly vince ran into the room exhausted and said "Its a urgent message from Kagito for backup!" Andres said "Vince,go get ready to depart. Take kakito and josh with you." Vince said "Yes sir!" And ran out of the room.Yuro looked at Andres shocked and said "What the hell is going on!?" Andres said "I don't know, but maybe we might find out soon."

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