Ch.49(Yuro's past arc-The mission)

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Yurai summoned Yuro,yura,mei,and Astro to his office.Yurai Said "Im Sending You four to ito village To Investigate Rumors Of Orochi Experimenting On Children."

(After Getting There)

Astro said "Yura,This is boring." Yura said "Shut Up Astro." Astro said "Yes Ma'am." Yuro said "Yura.We Have Company." Yura Said " I'll take Care Of Them. You three Continue."

(They Continued)

Astro said "I wanna fight." Yuro said "Shut it, you idiot. We have a mission." Astro said "Who are you calling idiot!?" Yuro said "Shut Up You Idiot!" Enemy Forces Surrounded Them. Yuro said "Dammit. Ice Golem! Ice Dragon!"

(They Escaped)

Yuro said "Hey,Where is Mei?" Astro Said "Oh Crap!" Yuro said " We Can't Go Back For Her." Astro said " Why!?" Yuro said "A mission is a mission." Astro said "Who Cares If its a mission!?" Yuro Said "Fine. You Can Go Back." Astro said " Ok!"

(Yuro Continues)

Astro Thought "Damn Yuro. Does A Mission Mean More To Him Than His Teamates!?" Suddenly,Two People Attacked Astro.

(With Yuro)

Yuro Said "That Damned Idiot. Teleportation!"

(With Astro)

Astro Said "Fire Dragon Bombs!" One Of The Attackers Said " Earth Wall!" Astro Said "Shit!" Then Yuro Teleported There And Killed One Of The Attackers. He Then Attempted To Kill The Other Attacker. The Other Attacker said "Lightning Sword!" and destroyed yuro's right eye. Astro said "Yuro!" Then the other attacker disappeared into lightning. Yuro said "Dammit, My Eye." Astro said "Why Did You Return?!" Yuro said "The Rumors Were Fake.It was a diversion. They plan to use a hostage to Seal The Reaper into. Astro said "and that mei?!" Yuro said "Probably. "

(With mei)
The Other Attacker Said " I Can't wait to revive Lord reaper." Yuro And Astro Arrived. The other attacker said "so you've come." Astro said "That's the first lightning god,Sakumo!" Sakumo ran at them. Yuro said "Ice Wave." Sakumo said "Lightning Shield! ice clone!?" Yuro said "Astro." Astro said " Fire Bombs!" Sakumo said "Lightning Chain!" Yuro said "Ice Dragon!" Sakumo said " Lightning Dragon!" Astro Said " Fire Pistol." Sakumo Died. Yuro said "Good Job." Astro said "Thanks." Mel weakly said "Astro..Yuro.." Astro said " Mei!" Yuro said "She's Fine." Astro said "Good. Let's Go." On The Top of the cave,Orochi said "Rock Fall."

Astro Said "Yuro,Watch Out!" Astro shoved Yuro out of the way.

After The Dust Settled, Yuro Was Met with a horeible sight. Half of Astro was under a rock. Mei said "astro!" Yuro said "Dammit!" Astro said "Y-Yuro... Take my Eye." Yuro said "Your Eye?" Astro said "My eyes have a special ability to copy other's elements. My right eye is crushed. Take my eye." Yuro said " I dont know why, but ok!" And took his eye. Yuro and mei then met up with yura and they left.

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