Ch.14(A new unknown foe appears)

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 Kai said "hey kade,michael isn't back yet." Kade said " go look for him,i have my hands full." Kai said " what do you mean-OH GOD. welp i leave kosei in your hands." Kade said "yeah." Kai  Left into the forest where michael went. Kai saw michael's body. Kai said " so he's dead."  Kai then looked around him. kai said "i'm getting the feeling i'm not alone here." an unknown voice said " that would be right. I am akato's subbordinate." Kai said "so you're the one with the abbility to copy elements?" The voice said "yeah you're right.Arcane Bomb." Kai said "Flame Roar. Flame bomb." the voice said "HellFlame Cyclone." kai said "hellflame? Oh shit." Kai blacked out. the voice said "what a shame. i was starting to have fun." and faded away.

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