Chapter Eight *

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I didn’t sleep well that night. Every time I closed my eyes I saw the face of Devlin Umbra, a vile, external reflection of a creature who had become so overwhelmed by darkness that he was entirely consumed by hatred. I still remembered his face looming over mine and his haunting eyes which were devoid of any emotion, proving that any shred of humanity which had once existed was now permanently eradicated...

Ever since I'd become a vampire I'd done my best to hold onto my emotions. My feelings of fear, anger and jealousy still existed and I clung to them terrified that if I let go and allowed them to overtake my mind then I would become what I had always feared; a monster.

My mind shifted to what I had read about the orchid flowers, orchids were hideous at any rate. The huge petals were stiff with a bruise like hue and turned outwards arrogantly exposing the core of evil; a protruding centre which reminded me of fingers reaching out to strangle a victim. Their scent was neither light nor intoxicating but a heavy, cloying odour like chloroform.

Flowers were supposed to be beautiful and sentimental, a symbol or love, hope or remembrance and yet this thing was the exact opposite. The orchid didn’t represent life and beauty, it was the embodiment of death and decay and it wasn't hard to understand why the rogues had chosen this very flower to be their symbol.

I shivered as my thoughts cycled back to thinking about Devlin Umbra, and it wasn’t until I heard the hushed voices of the teenage vampires passing by my room that I managed to convince my mind that I was safe, and only then did I fall into a deep sleep…

I was wearing a black dress and kitten heels was entering the ballroom of the Schwarz manor. I walked over towards the punch bowl and grabbed a glass of the garnet coloured liquid; it was sweet and tangy at the same time and contained blood. My fangs lengthened in anticipation as I tasted the blood and I drank greedily before wiping my mouth with one gloved hand.

I scanned the room, Cinder was looking dashing in a black tuxedo and he smiled as whirled around Evangeline. She wore a silver dress which made her look like a Christmas angel and she laughed in delight as her blonde curls whipped around her shoulders.

At the other end of the room was Ash who was partnered with Masquerade. She had chosen a pink gown which set off her pale skin and nut brown curls perfectly, she closed her eyes as Ash dipped her so low that her glossy ringlets brushed the gleaming surface of the floor.

I smiled to myself and was about to fetch another glass of punch when a hand gripped my shoulder. I turned around to see a male vampire with flaxen hair and an enchanting smile he was striking and caused my breath to catch in my throat.
“May I have the honour of this dance?” he asked politely, lowering himself into a bow.
“You may,” I grinned as I curtsied and he kissed my gloved hands.

He led me to the middle of the floor and we caught the tail end of the waltz just before an upbeat tango began. We did not speak a word to one another whilst we danced yet we moved in an identical motion our moves perfectly synchronised as if I was his mirror image. We tangoed and then we fox-trotted, his eyes never left mine as we perfected every move.

I felt exhilarated and was beginning to feel a little flustered, though not because of the dancing but because of the adrenaline coursing through my veins; his mere touch sparked a current which jolted through my entire body.

I fanned myself with my right my hand and tilted my head towards the window, silently informing my partner that I was in need of some fresh air. He seemed more than happy to comply and he led me to one of the extravagant windows which opened onto a balcony.

The air was crisp and I shivered slightly at the delicious cold, I turned to my partner.

“May I ask your name?” I asked politely.

“Everett Dracul,” he replied coolly.

I racked my brain, I couldn’t place the name. Perhaps he was someone of little importance, or maybe he was secretly abhorred by the Schwarz coven.

He raised his eye questioningly and I silently cursed my habit for over-analysing. To distract myself I stepped towards the edge of the balcony to admire the view. I didn’t hear my partner move towards me and I gasped in surprise as he whirled me round his lips inches away from mine.

“Excuse me Everett, I was just admiring the view,” I stammered, suddenly feeling quite flustered.

“You know Ebony, that punch really isn’t that nice is it?” Everett commented.

A single chill ran down my spine, “What do you mean?” I asked bemused.

He didn't answer and stared into my eyes as a manic grin spread across his face, that was when I realised that he had not been trying to seduce me but his motives for speaking with me were much more sinister...

He seized me by the front of my dress and hi face morphed into one which I recognised as Devlin Umbra. I screamed as he seized me and pierced my jugular, my legs gave way and I collapsed to the floor.

He wiped his mouth as he grinned like a savage, “It's not over yet,” he replied as he reached for me, I screamed again...

That was when I woke up, tangled in my sheets, shaking with fear, my skin damp with sweat. There was a tapping at my door and I jumped startled at the sudden noise.

“Ebony, can you let me in please I need to talk to you,” called Ash.

I groaned inwardly, Ash was one of the last people that I wanted to speak to after the previous night and his overwhelming clinginess and desperation made me want to run in the opposite direction.

“Now is really not a good time. My head is killing me, I feel like crap and I’m not in the mood to talk,” I replied coldly.

There was a quiet shuffling noise as he shifted his weight from one foot to the other and I clenched my fists in irritation. Why could he not just leave me alone?

“Please hear me out, Ebony,” he begged.

I sighed clearly he had something to say and wasn't planning on leaving until I heard it whether I wanted to or not.

“It's open,” I muttered.

He stepped inside, took one look at me coated in sweat and tangled in my sheet and raised an eyebrow.

“Are you okay? I heard screaming,” he asked worriedly.

I didn't meet his eyes, “I’m fine, I just had a stupid nightmare,” I lied.

He drew closer,“Want to talk about it?”

“Not particularly, why are you here?” I questioned grumpily.

“I just came here to apologise for last night, I shouldn’t have left you for Masquerade and I was kind of hoping we could spend the day together,” Ash answered.

I arched an eyebrow, “Aren't you two an item yet?” I asked.

A look of genuine confusion registered on his face, “No! Why would you even think that?” he replied appalled.

I shrugged indifferently, “Just a hunch, but I think she’s into you,” I replied. I didn't need to mention the fact that she was head over heels infatuated with him.

He frowned and then stared at me,“I don’t see Masquerade that way,” he answered simply.
I looked away hoping that he wasn't planning on launching a heavy handed speech about feelings and love; I had little patience today.

“You never did answer my question, will you hang out with me today?” Ash persisted.

I sighed, “The only place that I wanted to visit today was the library,” I replied.

“Why would you want to go there?” Ash asked.

I stared at him, “To read why else?” I answered hoping that he didn't catch onto my half truth.
He tilted his head to one side as he pondered my response, if he suspected that I was lying he didn't let on.
“I’ll take you to the library, maybe we can hang out afterwards, see how you feel,” he pressed.

I rolled my eyes but didn't argue, there would be plenty of time for that later.

“Be here in half an hour, if you're late then I'll find it myself,” I ordered.

“Fine,” he replied as he made his way to the door.

“Fine,” I echoed once he'd left.

I was a little annoyed that Ash had wormed his way into my day, but I figured that I could push him towards Masquerade later; there was no way in hell I was trusting him with my secrets.

I pulled myself out of bed and opened my wardrobe, I couldn't be bothered dressing up and quickly settled for a turtle-neck jumper, jeans and some converse. I cleaned my teeth quickly and tucked my hair behind my ears, I only applied simple make-up and whatever perfume that was to hand.

I still had twenty minutes left and decided to take my time packing my bag, I wanted a bag with a zip to prevent any old vampire from spying the journal. In the wardrobe I found a messenger bag and filled it with the journal, some pens, a spiral bound notebook and a battered copy of Dracula to use as cover. I still had plenty of room which meant I'd have space for the other journals, assuming that I found them.

Once I was ready, I sat on my bed and waited for Ash, unsurprisingly he arrived dead on time (no pun intended) and I reluctantly set off and allowed him to lead the way.

He chattered all the way to the library oblivious to the fact that I was only half listening. Just as I was certain that I could not listen to any more rambling we arrived at the library and once we stepped inside I was lost in the beauty and grandeur of it all.

It was a vision of beauty with six floors in total. There were rows of mahogany bookshelves crammed with books from ancient tomes to modern teenage fiction. It was carpeted in a soft cream carpet and several beanbags and armchairs were set out just waiting to be curled up on. I inhaled the familiar aroma of paper and sighed in happiness, I was in heaven.

I took a few steps forward and grinned when I spotted Masquerade scouring one of the shelves. I grinned as I stepped towards her, she was so absorbed that she hadn't even noticed me enter.

I tapped her on the shoulder, “Hey!” I exclaimed, smirking when she jumped.

She turned around and greeted me and Ash with a smile, “Hey yourself! What are you both doing here?” She asked.

“Ebony wanted to come here. I need to return a book can you give her a tour?” Ash asked.
She grinned, “Sure thing,” she said.

I watched amused as Ash all but dashed to the front desk to avoid Masquerade's clutches. “So where do we begin?” I asked excitedly.

“We'll start at the top floor, home to the literature section and the restricted section,” she explained as she led me up a spiral staircase. We walked through a glass door and Masquerade turned to face me.

“Welcome to the literature room,” she exclaimed as she gestured to the leather bound books. I grabbed a book from the nearest shelf and gazed at the aged yellow pages in wonder, “Are these original copies?” I asked in shock as I clocked the handwriting.

She smiled revealing her pvinted teeth, “Yeah, mother had made many friends over the years, pretty cool huh?” She bragged.

My jaw gaped, “Very cool!” I replied impressed.

She laughed at my reaction and then led me to the furthest corner of the room, there she rested her hand on a large tapestry.

“Behind here is the restricted section many vampires don't even know about it but it contains every piece of information about our history and origins, you must never enter or tell anyone about it, otherwise mother will make you pay,” she threatened.

I raised my hands in surrender, “Don’t worry I have no intention of exploiting the Schwarz secrets, I’m actually looking for teenage fiction,” I lied.

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