Author's Note *

1.1K 39 14
  • Dedicado a EVERY0NE!


Okay so first and foremost thank you to everyone who has read and supported this novel since I started writing it in November 2012. The idea itself has been buzzing around my brain since I was fourteen but somehow I just couldn't get it down, but the charactes of Ebony and Cinder are seriously that old!

I have sooooooo many people to thank, so I'll try and keep it short, thank you to all of my special friends on Wattpad, you all know who you are (the ones I spam every time I update) you're are all seriously awesome!

Thank you to all the silent readers as well, I understand that you may not want to leave comments, maybe you're shy but either way every single one of your votes has counted and made me smile when I've seen them, you haven't gone unnoticed!

Thank you to my amazing boyfriend Simon who encouraged me to write this, and my good friend Andrew for painstakingly reading every word, listening to every crazy idea and generally putting up with me!

So what's next?

Well I am officially aiming for publication but that is a long way off yet, I have to edit and delete parts, get rid of twenty to forty thousand words and generally clean it up. I am also planning on writing two mvre books named Hellfire – The Uprising and Hellfire – The Ascent which will be the other two books in the Helfire trilogy.

Other bits and pieces to check out:

Extra Scene: On my profile I have a short story collection entitled Everlasting, if you want more of Ebony and Cinder's antics there's an extra scene entitled Everlasting Love.

Love At Cafe Au Lait: My first attempt at a Chick lit piece, it's in dire need of feedback so feel free to check it out if you like.

Hellfire The Awakening - Extras: I've started a non fiction piece which gives extra information such as character backstory, deleted scenes, family trees, character name origins, a tracklist and much more, so if you're looking forward to Hellfire- The Ascent, here's something to keep you going.

Finally there's criticism : In order to get Hellfire – The Awakening published I need to clean it up and edit like crazy, this means that feedback is essential. Anyone who fancies steamrolling me with criticism and opinions again inbox me, I'm sure we can work out some kind of deal.

Goodbye, Arrivederci, Au Revoir, Auf Wiedersehn...

Finally (yes this time I really do mean finally) thank you all once again for making me walk around smiling like an idiot after reading your comments, thank you for choosing to read Hellfire – The Awakening and thank you for all of your fans/follows, votes, comments and dedications, you are all amazing writers and I feel priviledged to have met you all! <3

All of my words, ink, energy and love

Lou AKA darkangelrawr

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