Chapter Nine *

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I didn't make any stops on the way to my room, I hadn't eaten a proper evening meal but at that moment I didn't care, I planned on locking myself in my room, bathing and then working my way through the journals and starting my own; the more information I had, the higher my chances of survival.

Even I wasn't obstinate enough to deny everything that had happened so far. I had been killed by a rogue then attacked again by another rogue who just so happened to be close to the manor even Evangeline believed that one had infiltrated the manor...

There was no room for denial, the rogues were on the move, they were planning something and they would kill anyone who stood in their way.

I rounded a corner and reached my room. I was just about to enter when I heard footsteps, two sets to be precise.

“Hey Ebony, did you get the books you wanted?”

I spun on my heel, my heart sinking when I saw Masquerade and Ash walking towards me. Cinder had warned me to to say anything and I bit my lip in anxiety.
As I watched the pair I noticed that Masquerade clutched Ash's arm in a possessive manor an I wondered if they were an item now.

“Yeah, I found exactly what I was looking for,” I replied brightly. Strictly speaking I had found what I had been searching for even if it wasn't what Masquerade and Ash expected.

“What books did you end up getting?” Ash asked inquisitively.

Thinking fast I reached into my messenger bag and pulled out my copy of Dracula, taking great care to prevent them spying the journals.

“Oh nothing much, just Dracula,” I said coolly waving my book around.

“I thought you were getting trashy novels?” Ash replied pointedly gazing at my bag.

“Yeah you were totally planning on taking out Twilight,” chimed Masquerade.

My stomach flipped and I exhaled slowly as I resisted the urge to tighten my grip on my bag which would arouse suspicion. Instead I raised my hands in the air in surrender.

“Guys chill” This isn't a conspiracy! I read some trashy novels, decided to take good old Dracula with me and then went to feed,” I lied.

“You fed?” Ash asked incredulously.

I kept a neutral expression, “It had to be done at some point, I am a vampire now,” I replied indifferently.

Ash frowned and I knew that even though Masquerade had completely fell for my lie, he wasn't quite buying it.

“It was a little difficult at first, but I couldn't starve myself forever, I have to thank you for getting me through the first feed,” I added sweetly.

Ash smiled at the compliment and I relaxed even as I took in Masquerade's jealous glance; it was easier dealing with one jealous vampire than having to lie to two.

“I'm sure Cinder was planning on visiting the library today, any sign of him?” Masquerade asked quickly.

I forced myself to keep a blank expression and deliberately avoided Ash's gaze, “Not that I saw, I didn't stay long, I needed to feed seeing as I didn't get chance to this morning,” I answered as my eyes slid over to Ash.

He was staring at his feet guiltily and I bit back a sigh of relief, thankful that I had thrown him.

“So what did you guys get up to?” I asked in a desperate bid to divert the attention away from myself.

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