Chapter Twenty *

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After my revelation, Cinder just sat there looking blank as if he hadn't yet processed the words which had just come out of my mouth. It was the same reaction that he had given when he had learnt of the attack on his mother and deep in my heart I knew that it didn't bode well.

“Cinder?” I asked quietly.

My voice seemed to jolt him out his reverie and I watched with despair as his face suddenly crumpled, he looked...broken.

“No...That can't be true...How could...” He trailed off as words finally failed him, I placed my hand over his and stroked his palm with my thumb.

“Cinder it's true, but I'm...okay with it. If dying means that you and your family will finally be free from this mess then that is what I want,” I sighed as I spoke the words which caused my heart to ache.

“How can I just let you go like that? How could my father have created such a terrible prophecy?” He continued aghast.

I shook my head, “He might not have created it, he could have just rewritten it. I have to fix this even if I have to leave you,” I said solemnly.

Cinder's eyes darkened and his face contorted into an expression of rage. He slammed his fist into the nearest bookshelves causing hardbacks to tumble to the ground.

“No you don't get to be a martyr! We will work something out, destiny can be shaped as can our future, we will take control, I won't let you go, I...” He paused as if he couldn't quite bring himself to say anything else.

I nodded, “Fine, but we don't have much time and if they launch an attack on the manor or anyone else is harmed then the plan is off,” I compromised.

“Fine, but we need to see Falcon ,” he said as he headed towards the exit.

“That has to wait, your mother has been waiting for you, let me take you to see her and then we can see Falcon,” I compromised.

Cinder sighed reluctantly, “We'll visit mother, then we'll speak with Falcon and figure this whole thing out with everyone's help,” he replied firmly.

“But that puts Shade, Desdemona and Thorn in danger, which defeats the point of the whole operation,” I countered.

Cinder grit his teeth in frustration, “For once in your life quit being so stubborn and let me handle this,” he snapped.

I bit back a growl, I had sworn an oath to protect his family and now he was going to risk their lives to save me, where was the logic in that theory?

We were silent as we left the restricted section, we were about to head towards the facility where Evangeline was resting, when I collided with Desdemona.

“Please tell me she's not...” I started referring to Evangeline.

Desdemona shook her head happily, “She's absolutely fine! She's currently calling everyone to an emergency council meeting, I've been looking everywhere for you both, lucky for you I don't like turning people in for breaking the rules,” she winked slyly at me as she she spoke.

I grinned and threw my arms around her, “I'm so glad!” I exclaimed joyously.

“Thank you Desdemona for being there when I...wasn't,” interjected Cinder.

Desdemona smiled, “It's okay Cinder, everyone handles things differently, I'd like to chat more but enough talking let's get to this meeting!” She laughed.

I was quite surprised that Evangeline was holding a council meeting so soon after her recovery, it meant one of two things, either she had recovered completely and wanted to remind everyone of her power, or the whole rogue situation was even worse than we had anticipated and Evangeline wanted to put an immediate plan into place.

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