Chapter Six *

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When I'd regained consciousness I hadn't opened my eyes straight away, without knowing that I was conscious Ash and Cinder could talk freely and I wanted to learn as much information about vampires as I could.

“Devlin Umbra? I've never heard of him, got any theories Sanguinolency?” Cinder asked scathingly.

He didn't rise to the bait, “No, did you hear him say anything when you saved her?” Ash questioned.

There was a brief silence, “He told Ebony that he could have killed her,” replied Cinder.

“What could that mean?” urged Ash.

There was a sudden shattering noise and I guessed that Cinder had thrown a vase at a wall or something.

“What do you think it means? They rogues are out there and they’re toying with us! Ebony has been attacked twice now by two different rogues and one of them killed her the first time! It means that they’re on the move and somehow they know what’s going on here, they know her name Ash, they’ll be targeting mother and they need a weak link to get in, what’s easier than going for a newborn? She doesn’t know the way of our race,” snapped Cinder.

There was another silence and I heard the scraping of stools as they sat down, Cinder’s reaction had obviously shocked Ash into silence. My wounds had been pretty bad, I'd nearly died for real but Evangeline had managed to heal me. Ash had been unaware of the extent of Evangeline's powers and so Cinder had patiently explained it to him.

As soon as a vampire becomes a monarch they gain access to a whole new realm of powers. Ash had been curious as to why this occurred but even Cinder didn’t know. Apparently the only vampires who knew were the monarchs themselves and they were unable to disclose details of their new-found powers.

Vampire monarchs are the only vampires who can read and manipulate minds, they also have the ability to heal, a few drops of their blood is equivalent to an extremely powerful healing salve. The only thing which monarch blood cannot heal is death itself and that applies to the transition between human to vampire and the death of a vampire. Oddly enough I found in comforting that Evangeline had been completely honest with me even when I wasn't in my right mind.

It also turned out the the monarchs had to be trained to ensure that their skills were up to scratch, Ash knew that part as the advisor is in place to protect the monarch as the extra abilities are straining, of course the heir and their partner also had to be trained in case of the death of the monarch of even in extreme cases the death of the monarch and the heir.

It seemed that Ash was unaware of the training extending to the heirs and was only told what he needed to know, that was a smart move on Evangeline's part. He'd asked more questions but Cinder had changed the subject; whether he knew and didn't want to say, or didn't know at all I couldn't tell; the subject was closed.

I groaned as I shifted position and various aches and pains reminded me that I wasn't entirely invincible. I heard shuffling and scraping sounds of chairs moving, and tentatively I opened my eyes to see both Cinder and Ash anxiously peering over me.

“Get mother, she's been waiting for Ebony to wake,” ordered Cinder. I waited for Ash to refuse but he left the room instantly.

“I...need...blood,” I forced out, shocked at how hoarse my voice sounded.

Cinder narrowed his eyes at me and for a moment I wished that it had been Ash who had stayed behind to look after me, at least he was understanding.

Once Cinder had finished glaring at me Cinder retrieved a lavender coloured phial from his pocket, popped the cap, and to my surprise passed it to me.

I was still weak and as I guzzled the blood I accidentally poured some down my front. As I finished drinking relief coursed through me as the pain in my throat temporarily ebbed away.

I paused for a moment, the empty phial in my hand. Cinder quickly snatched it away from my trembling fingers and I shrank back in alarm. He stood firm, arms crossed and I braced myself for a verbal assault.

“There’s a rogue out there Ebony, you’ve already been killed once yet you run off and get yourself attacked, what the hell were you thinking?” ground out Cinder.
“I didn’t chose to get attacked both times!” I bristled.

“No, but the second time you left putting us all at risk. What were you planning? To see your friends again? To kiss that guy you never hooked up with? Wake up Ebony, you’re dead! Your funeral's been and gone and you just put everyone here at risk with your actions!” raged Cinder.

My breath caught in my throat as I was rendered speechless at his sharp words. I had expected a lecture but I hadn't expected him to get so personal with it.
Tears welled up in my eyes, as much as I hated what Cinder was saying I knew that he was right even if he hadn't been tactful about it and it hurt to hear how pathetic I sounded. I looked at my hands ashamed.

I caught his eye and noticed that his expression had changed, he seemed startled at my unexpected tears as if he was unused to seeing teenage girls cry.

He moved closer towards me as if mesmerised by my display of emotion, he sat on the bed beside me, carefully positioning himself to ensure that he didn’t jostle me. I held my breath not wanting to ruin the moment by asking questions or saying the wrong thing.

He stared at me with his penetrating, yellow eyes and shyly I glanced back. He never took his eyes off of me as he reached out with a finger and gently he caught my tear as it fell; a single drop lingering before it’s inevitable fall.

“Why did you run from us?” he asked quietly, his voice had softened to a whisper and I shook my head as I tried to think of the words to explain my actions.

“This is all new to me, I was scared, I just wanted to…go home,” I replied meekly.

He sighed, resting his head in his hands at my confession as if he was unsure of what to say. I could understand his confusion, he had been born and raised here, to him what was a threat to me was his entire family, it must be hard for some stranger to appear and put everyone at risk.

“Ebony, it’s always going to be difficult but you can’t go back, you’d expose us all. I know it’s not been easy but we can help you. Not all of us are born, some of us were turned as well, there are others like you and you can meet them,” said Cinder his face softening.

“Really?” I asked touched his thoughtful words.
He nodded, “Yeah, you're not alone with any of this you just need to give us a chance,” he replied.

I managed a small smile,"Thank you, I'm...sorry." I responded carefully.

His expression changed from compassionate to angry at my apology, “You are forgiven this time, I can understand that it is a difficult adjustment, but let me warn you if you ever pull a stunt like that again, I personally will shove a stake through your heart. I've already lost my father I will not lose another family member again, do you understand me?” he growled.

I wondered if Cinder handled his pain and fear through aggression, although I hadn't been around him very long I was beginning to understand his actions, it seemed that whatever had happened to his father had affected him deeply and he was not over it. I decided to let him feel like he held all the power and looked him directly in the eye “I understand,” I answered.

There was a knock at the door and in floated Evangeline, Ash trailing behind her. My stomach flipped as I realised that I was about to face another confrontation.
“It’s good to see that you’re awake, Ebony, we were worried about you,” offered Evangeline as she glided towards the foot of my bed.

I chose my words carefully unsure of where this was leading, “I'm...I'm okay,” I answered.

She nodded thoughtfully her eyes boring into mine and I wondered if she was reading my thoughts. She eyes Cinder warily as if she knew that he had already voiced his feelings. I studied her, her pleasant face appeared drawn and my anxiety returned as I prepared for another lecture.

“It seems strange that within days you have been attacked by two rogues, this is hard for us all but I have to protect my family and my race and I have to ensure that this is not some elaborate scheme you have concocted. Are you working with the rogues?” Evangeline asked, surprising me with her accusation.

“No, I swear!” I replied anxiously, for once I hoped that she did read my thoughts and believed my innocence.

Evangeline nodded, “I believe you, but heed the warning when I say that if you betray our trust you will regret it. Here in the Schwarz Manor we take care of our own kind, we look after and love one another and we help and protect each other, the rogues are our enemy,” she warned ominously and I nodded suddenly afraid to look at anyone.

“Aside from your health, there is a reason I’m here, if you’re ready I’d like that audience with you,” she said.

“Of course,” I replied as I eased myself out of the bed. I tried not to wince as I stood up, I was still sore and aching. I shivered in the thin nightdress I had been dressed in, apparently vampires felt the cold as well.

“You may get dressed first, this is your new bedroom after all,” Evangeline announced.

I glanced across the room, hadn't yet observed my surroundings, as expected it was stunning and spacious. My bed was a four poster covered in white, satin bedclothes and surrounded by red velvet curtains. There was a small wooden table with two spindly, wooden chairs, the carpet was the same red carpet from the corridors.
Across the room was a tall, wooden wardrobe, bookcases lined the walls and were filled with boos of every genre, a desk sat in the far corner complete with a lamp, notebook, pens and a laptop.

“I get a laptop?” I exclaimed in surprise.

“There are limitations and your history will be monitored, but yes it is yours,” replied Evangeline a small smile playing at her lips.

My jaw hung in surprise causing a tinkling laugh from Evangeline. She turned to Cinder and Ash as I gathered my composure.

“You are both dismissed, please allow Ebony and I some privacy,” she ordered.

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