Chapter Three *

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 When I finally came to, I did not feel any pain like Evangeline had warned; all I felt was lethargy as sheer exhaustion threatened to pull me back under.

I sat up, pulling my knees to my chest so I had some more room in my confined space. I pinched my arm to try and wake myself up a little more, I knew I couldn't fight and escape this creepy place if I was unconscious, truth be told I wasn't sure what I believed, Evangeline's story seemed viable but the childish side of my longed for a comfort that only my mother could provide. The pinching was effective in waking me up and the cloud of grogginess which had been pressing down on me lifted, instantly the agonising pain which Evangeline had spoke off began to flare.

I screamed as a burning pain erupted in my feet, burning through the layers of skin tissue, scalding my nerves, scorching my tendons and incinerating my ligaments. As if a red hot poker had been pressed against my skin, I jumped up and began hopping around as much as I could clawing at my feet desperate to quench this invisible fire.

The pain increased as it travelled up my legs causing them to shake violently, it boiled my blood, working its way into my calves, up my thighs and into my hips as if I was literally on fire or experiencing an acid bath. Still screeching, I wrapped my cold hands around my stomach as the fire coursed through my insides and radiated into my back like Sulphuric acid corroding my organs, destroying me from the inside out.

As the pain melted away from my stomach, it continued to rise up through my body and without warning it seared in my chest , scorching my lungs, and working its way towards my heart changing it into a raging inferno…

Evangeline had warned me that the change was an excruciating process, but I had never thought that it would be anything like this. This pain was incomparable to anything which I had ever experienced, I'd rather have had my throat torn out twelve times over than continue to face it.

I was weak, helpless and entirely consumed by the blaze, I could no longer think clearly, I was simply a reaction to a stimulus; gasping, shrieking, feeling. My mind was screaming at me to find a way to stop this agony and as I leaned against the cold glass, I realised that it was a miracle that I was still standing.

The fire finished with my heart, and started to slide up my neck where it settled itself in my throat, relentless and oblivious to my whimpers. I gagged and choked, despite knowing that there was no fire, my mind had convinced itself that I could taste my own charred flesh.

y body convulsed, shuddering with pure agony and as I screamed once more I lost my balance and tumbled forwards, a flailing mess of tangled limbs and white hot pain. I was vaguely aware of a shattering noise as I tumbled through the glass tube and fell to the floor, razor sharp shards of glass piercing my skin.

I writhed around gasping as I endured the fiery pain. I was in so much agony that I didn't even question how a simple tumble had caused me to escape my prison, all I cared about was finding a way to stop the pain.

There was a sudden clicking noise as the door to my room opened and in stepped a male who appeared to be the same age as myself.

Usually I would have been polite, I would have stood up and modestly covered my body, I'd have extended my arm for him to shake as I introduced myself, but in this case things were entirely different, I was in absolute and complete agony. I didn't know this person but what I did know was that he was with the band of vampires who had brought me here, and so I did not shake his hand, or offer a pleasant greeting, instead I decided to act as if I was entirely unaware of the fact that he had entered the room.

Assuming that he'd leave once he saw me, I pressed my cold hands to my throat in a futile attempt to soothe the flames within. I no longer cared about escape or if I was going to get out of this mess, all I cared about was finding a way to free myself from this awful and incomprehensible pain.

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