Chapter Seven *

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I walked to my room in silence, I was unsure of what to say after Cinder’s behaviour and I just wanted to be left alone. Ash had tried comforting me but his words made no difference, I hadn’t chosen to become a vampire, all I wanted to was to go home and yet Cinder seemed hell-bent on making my life here as miserable as possible, and for what reason?

Finally, we reached my room and I instinctively reached for the door handle, surprised when Ash caught my arm.

“Hey you’ll still come to the party tonight, right?” he asked hopefully.

I chewed at my thumbnail, I wasn’t really a sociable person and I really didn’t want another run in with Cinder.

“Please?” he begged.


I sighed, I did owe Ash a favour, he’d helped me through my first feed and been quite patient and kind, even after I’d ran away and probably gotten him into trouble.

“Okay, what’s the dress code?” I asked warily.

“Casual, most people will be in gothic attire, it’s a running joke with vampires, to play on stereotypes,” laughed Ash.

“Right,” I answered, only too aware of how little I knew about vampire customs and culture.

“Meet me here in an hour?” I asked weakly, as he began walking away.

“It’s a promise Ebony Noire,” he declared and I sighed before entering my room. I was starting to become accustomed to the sight of luxury even if I wasn't completely comfortable with it yet.

I sighed as I padded across to my wardrobe and selected an outfit for the party. After much deliberation I chose a black, lacy camisole and teamed it with black, skinny jeans and red Dr Martens. Finally I headed over to the bathroom, since I had died I hadn't had the chance to shower and I cringed as I imagined how dirty I was.

The bathroom was just as magnificent as the rest of the manor, rather than a bath there was a huge embedded in the middle of the marble floor. The blue walls were adorned with glass cabinets displaying every kind of hair product, body wash, deodorant, perfume and bubble bath imaginable. A rack in the corner was filled with soft towels, there was a floor length mirror and even a railing for my clothes. The best thing about the room was the shower fitted in the ceiling above the pool which turned on at the push of a button.

I stripped quickly, shivering slightly as I hung my clothes on the railing and surveyed the cabinets. Eventually I chose bubble bath and coconut shampoo and conditioner, my mother had always bought coconut scented things and it was a reminder of home.

I had little time to get ready, and so I hurriedly experimented with the buttons on the wall until the pool filled with steaming, hot water and white foam. Gingerly, I eased myself into the pool, grabbed a scrubbing brush and washed my body until every ounce of dirt, blood and sweat on my skin vanished. It took half an hour until I was truly satisfied.

I quickly towel dried and checked each cabinet until I found one containing every brand of make-up. I grabbed mascara, eye-liner, foundation and lipstick before straightening and back-combing my hair, a spritz of perfume later and I was ready and waiting for Ash to arrive.

He was true to his word, and exactly at 5pm there was a knock at the door, I dived off of my bed in anticipation. Even though I wasn't looking forward to the party I was looking forward to spending time with Ash. I opened the door and greeted Ash with a smile.

He was wearing a similar outfit to me, black jeans, black boots and a black shirt. I mentally cringed, we looked like we'd deliberately tried to co-ordinate our outfits.

Hellfire - The Awakening (Complete)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz