Chapter Sixteen *

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Shocked murmurs ran through he crowd of astonished vampires. I had no idea if anyone had been acquainted with the rogue or who could have helped him infiltrate the manor. The lack of knowledge highlighted that that I couldn't trust anyone.

“How do you know that?” Called an angry voice in response to my naming and shaming routine. I paused unsure of what to say.

“It doesn’t matter how she knows that, the fact is that we have caught the rogue who was terrorising our coven, Belladonna is avenged,” piped up Autumn.

I smiled at her gratefully, I didn’t intend on disclosing my abilities yet, especially as they were rather sporadic at the moment.

Evangeline moved forwards and I held my breath, surely if Evangeline could sense my discomfort then the rest of the vampires could. I trained my gaze on her shoes wishing that I was invisible.

“As much as I would like to continue the dancing I think it is time for us to dine, I wish you all to drop the matter for now and there will be no public interrogations, everyone is welcome to stay, but anyone who wishes to leave has permission to do so,” announced Evangeline.

The crowd fell silent then began to disperse, I turned to Evangeline gratefully, “I really appreciate your intervention your majesty,” I said.

Evangeline nodded, “I will not be offended if you wish to leave Ebony, but if you do please allow Cinder to escort you,” she requested.

I nodded in agreement and Salazar appeared at Evangeline's side, “What can I do to help your majesty?” He asked politely.

“Please work with the guards to secure the perimeter, check for any signs of forced entry,” she replied in a hushed voice.

Salazar saluted Evangeline and then disappeared into the crowd of vampires. I noticed that Shade and Desdemona seemed to be leaving the room with Velvet, she seemed to be trembling as she was ushered out of the room.

Ash merely flounced away with Masquerade, clearly annoyed that Evangeline hadn't turned to him from advice, Thorn waited to guard his mother and Cinder exchanged a glance with his mother before looking at me.

“I'm assuming that you would like to leave?” He asked.

I frowned as I looked at him, feeling guilty that I was skipping the celebration that Evangeline had so graciously planned, “Yes I'm so sorry,” I replied guiltily.

He nodded, “I thought as much, we'll set off now,” he said.

We left the ballroom out of a side-door, Cinder had explained that it would attract less attention than exiting through the main doors. He led me to my room expertly, we were in a part of the manor that I hadn’t yet encountered and I tightened my grip on his hand every time we walked past a stone gargoyle or a shadow.

“Listen I have something to tell you...” He started.

“What?” I asked as my stomach knotted.

He chewed his lip anxiously, “I'm not the best at sugar-coating things so I'm going to just spit it out, that may not have been the only rogue,” he said worriedly.

“What makes you think that?” I replied anxiously.

He frowned, “Our security is tight, we have guards regularly patrolling the grounds and guarding the exits and entrances which means someone must have helped the rogue inside. I don't think that rogue was on a mission to kill you, I think he as manipulated and sacrificed to deceive us into thinking that this is all over...” Cinder finished.

I could feel my palms starting to sweat and my chest beginning to tighten, “Oh God, so this is just the beginning,” I said hollowly as realisation set in.

I let go of his hand, I could feel my palms starting to sweat and my chest beginning to tighten, “So… this is really just the beginning?” I asked hollowly.

He looked stricken, “I think so, I think they have something greater than random killings planned, we just need to figure it out,” he explained.

“So does your mother know?” I asked tentatively.

He nodded, “I got her to one side whilst you was identifying the rogue, that reminds me, from now on we cannot trust anyone else, the only people I know for certain that aren't involved are: my mother, Shade, Desdemona, Thorn, Velvet, myself and you and we can't have you flaunting your abilities. If we want to solve this thing and keep everyone alive then we can't take any chances,” he said firmly.

“What about Masquerade and Ash?” I asked.

Cinder shook his head, “Ash hasn't been mother's advisor for long and he had no interest in taking over his father's role until my father died, it's better that we don't trust him with things like this and no matter what mother says Masquerade is too flighty, all it takes is for her to open her mouth and trust the wrong person and we can all end up dead,” he rationalised.

I flinched at the word 'dead' but didn't challenge Cinder, deep down I knew that he was right we did have to be careful.

We reached my room and Cinder stepped inside with me, “I'm going to double check the area and then I'll return, lock the door and only let me in, I'll spend the night and tomorrow we'll speak to mother and rethink our plan,” he decided.

I nodded shakily and he kissed me quickly before leaving my room. Once he was gone I locked my door and slipped out of my dress, as it crumpled to the floor I noticed something sticking out from underneath it and I bent down to see what the offending item was.

As I identified it my heart skipped a beat, because tangled in my dress was something that meant that I was most definitely the next in line to die.

It was another black orchid flower...

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