24. SnOWW!

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Y/n's pov

I hadn't realised it was almost Christmas. I had gone back to Australia the year before, but, because of rehearsals and so on, I had decided that making the long flight just to be there for two weeks wasn't worth it.

As soon as Eben realised this, he invited me to spend Christmas with his family.

"Who knows," He said, "You might even get a white Christmas!" And then he laughed. "You should have seen how much your face just lit up... you're so cute." He leant down and kissed me.

For my entire life I had had Christmas in the Southern Hemisphere, aka in Summer, all while reading classic British and American novels where they curl up around the fire under blankets while it snows outside at Christmas.

Having a white Christmas was something from my deepest fantasies.

We were set to leave to go to Cincinnati, Ohio, on the 23th of December, and fly back to LA on the 3rd of January. But, before that, we had a Why Don't We and friends Christmas party.

It was more or less the same people from Eben and Jonah's combined birthday party, with the addition of Troy and Anise, who I had brought into the friend group.

I was slightly late to the party because I had a music video shoot all day.

Eben opened the door for me, and I was met with blasting Christmas Carols, singing, laughter, dancing, food, and the prospect of a super fun evening.

"Merry early Christmas, my love," Eben whispered, pulling me into a kiss.

The party was a blast. As part of it, we did a Secret Santa.

I got to give Jack a present, and Christian gave me a present. I got Jack this really cool hole punch I found that is guitar-pick shaped so that you can make your own custom picks, and I also got him tickets for him and Gabbie to go and see Revolution on opening night.

"A little date night for the two of you... and a bit of self promo," I laughed.

"We were talking about getting tickets anyway, so thank you so much!" He pulled me into a hug.

Christian got me a really pretty journal and a set of coloured fine liners.

"I hope you haven't found next year's journal yet..." He grinned as I pulled it out of the paper.

"I haven't... aw it's so cute! I can't wait to use it!" I stood up and hugged him.

The next morning, Jonah drove Eben and I to the airport.

"Have fun, lovebirds," He called as he pulled out of the car park.

We checked in our luggage, headed through security, and made our way to the gate our plane was to take off from.

The flight went smoothly. It was 4 hours long, and we spent the whole time talking and peering out the window. I love flying, and so does Eben.

"Asa is already outside," Eben told me as we waited for our bags to appear on the carousel.

It was colder in Cincinnati than it had been in LA. I pulled on a jumper as we headed to find Asa. He spotted us and waved us over energetically.

"Hey Eben, hey Y/n," He greeted cheerfully. "How was your flight?"

"It was really nice, actually." Eben pulled his brother into a hug. "I've missed you."

Asa took my bags before I could protest, and led us to the car. We talked the whole way back to their house. I had spoken to Asa a few times on FaceTime, and we got along right away.

"Mum? Dad? I'm home!" Eben called when we walked in the door.

Footsteps came from what I later found out was the kitchen, and Eben's parents appeared to greet us with warm words and hugs.

"I'm so glad I can finally meet you in person," Eben's mother, Stephanie, cooed, embracing me warmly. "Make yourself at home."

We took our bags upstairs.

"Here, this is your room." He opened a door to reveal a small but cosy bedroom. A beautiful crochet blanket adorned the end of the bed. "My grandmother made that," he smiled, following my gaze.

I let my eyes explore the rest of the room, noticing the vase of flowers on the dresser, the window seat, and the view over the garden.

"I'll unpack later," I suggested. "Let's go eat. I smell a feast."

Eben's parents had cooked up a storm. After dinner, we played a card game, and then went to bed.

"Y/n? Wake up," Eben shook me awake. It was morning. "Go look out the window."

I rolled out of bed, and a sight beheld my eyes. "SnOWW!" I whispered. "Real actual snow! Maybe I really will have a white Christmas!"


*Sings* I'm dreaaming of a whiiitee christmaass just like the onees we used to knowww...

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