Chapter 29: finished school

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 Y/n POV

Me and Noah have officially finished school! YAY! I was looking at jobs that I could apply for and Noah was trying on new clothes he got when he went shopping earlier. "What about a waitress in Starbucks?"  I asked Noah "Do we get free drinks?" He asked I laughed and looked it said no so I just shook my head and he looked sad. "Ooo what about Photographer?" I have always wanted be a photographer. "Omg Y/n yes you have always wanted to do that I think you should go for it." He said smiling like the Cheshire Cat. I pressed apply and my interview was on Friday and today was Monday. Noah already had a job as a RSPCA student. 

I'm watching YouTube while doing my makeup when Noah walks in asking if I could take a picture for his Instagram with him I said yh if I could do my makeup first. We took the picture and posted it. I got a notification on my phone saying 'Noah posted a picture' I checked the caption and it said 'I had to wait for Y/U/N to do her makeup #Shedontneedmakeup' That last bit made me smile. Noah went to the shops about an hour ago I called him cause I was getting worried and he said "I'm nearly home I had to pop into a few other shops as well." I said ok and he hung up. Not even five minutes I heard the front door open and ran downstairs to help him with the bags. His parents were at work and Chloe was at her new job so it was just me and Noah.

Noah and me were putting the shopping away when I was about to open another bag he took it away quickly I looked at him and he simply said "It's a present for you. You can open it later." I got excited and said ok and we carried on putting the shopping away. After we were done Noah led me into the living room with the present. "I got you this cause I love you so much and I wouldn't be here today without you." He said and then gave me the present. I looked at it and smiled and then started to open it. It was in a Pandora box and when I opened it it was a ring. "It's a promise ring." I looked at him confused and he explained "Basically a promise ring is a ring where you promise to love the person your giving it too forever and that you promise you will marry that person." My smile grew wider and gave him a huge hug and a passionate kiss. 

After that we laid on the sofa and cuddled until his parents got home.

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