Texas Arc. Agent Texas Wraith. (P1)

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Agent Texas would then go to the living room and see that Virgo, Caboose is watching Cartoons.

Texas: Where's Tucker?

Virgo: Tucker is at the roof if you're asking.

Texas: Good, now I'm going to ask some questions about him.

Texas would then leaves to go meet up with Tucker to talk to him about something. Virgo and Caboose would look at each other in confusion. 

Caboose: What do you think that's all about?

Virgo: I don't know but I got a bad feeling about this.

As Texas was going upstairs, he can hear the voices of Omega laughing, shaking his head, he would go up and manage to meets up with tucker who was using Church snipers rifle to see what the reds were, he was looking at the scope and seeing that Grif, Simmons were talking to a donut. Cut to the red team, where Simmons, Donut, Grif are talking.

Grif: Wait, so you're telling me that you request command to get Lopez a to speak unit.

Donut: Yep, looks, man. Lopez can't talk due to not having a spoken unit so I decided to give him once it's come from command.

Simmons:...Donut, I'm telling you right now that's highly unlikely, that it'll be sent here. 

Donut: What?! Why not!?

Simmons: Well, first. Lately, the command has been busy due to the Human and covenant wars, while we're having our own wars against the blues. I believe that command have their hands full at the moment. Grif, what do you think.

Grif: I agree with Simmons on this one, think about donut. last year, we lost reach. Fucking reach! It was one of the planets, we've found and care then the fucking covenant decides. Oh hey, we're going destroy it and make sure, you demon suffers. Like what the fuck! Hell, they manage to take out almost all of the fucking spartan 3rd! Except for 2 only survivors are still alive.

Simmons: Grif, have a point. Lately, the Unsc have been taking huge L until masters chief shows up and Spartan B349. Those guys managed to reverse card the Covenant and since then been making them having fucking L.

Grif: Facts, but unfortunately, Simmons manages to fucking pissed him off by killing one of his oldest friends!

Simmons: Hey, we don't know that. He could be just an old ally to him back in the wars.

Grif: That's the fucking point Simmons, don't you get it, we manage to piss off, one of the most powerful and skillset spartan in this fucking universe, and you want to make jokes...Well played!

Donut: What, are you not angry at him.

Grif: Nah, I've respect for Simmons for doing what he did.

Simmons: Why thank you Grif. You know, what's your fav cartoon ever?

Grif: Simmons, we've already talked about-

Simmons: But in the 90s.

Grif:...Alright then, allow me to talk this shit out. First.  Scooby-Doo, a classic. 2nd. Digimon.

Simmons: Grif, I say the 90s. Digimon came out at 2000, dumbass.

Grif: Simmons, it's started in 1999 and end in 2000. Get your year's rights!

Simmons: Fuck, you're right.

Donut: Looks, like that Simmons, doesn't even his year's rig-(Get hit by Simmons) Ow!

Red vs Blue Season 1 /w Virgo Fuarelu [Rewritten/Au.]Where stories live. Discover now