Texas Arcs! Texas Vs Red Team! P2

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Texas was wandering around to the cave system, knowing that they would lead her to the Reds, she wants to be paid back for Leonard Death, however, she needs to think this through. Knowing that they manage to take down the blue team before Dominic came in to save them. However the question is, how should she strike then, she begins to have some ideas. One - she can use the bases weapon against their own members, two - she can find any melee weapon that could help her in battle, now as she is slowly planned thing out, she then turns her camouflage unit to level 2, allowing her to not been heard from her footstep, however, she can still be seen in radar. So, let's the beating begins!

Cut back to blood gulch, Dominic would then went into the armory as he was prepared to go to Red base to get his sister back, Courtney would appear on Dominic's shoulder.

Courtney: I suggest you get a shotgun for close range, and a sniper rifle for long-range, and finally a normal silenced pistol for medium-range. And a spare Combat Knife for close contact combat.

Dominic: Got it, C. I'm not letting my sister died again!

Courtney: I agree, now we know that her last location is red base and she's going there for one thing.

Dominic: To avenge Leonard. (Setting up the ammo for the weapons) How much time we got before she got on a killing spree.

Courtney: About 15 minutes. (Seeing Dominic putting all of the weapons, that Courtney suggest)

Dominic: Then let's go!

Dominic and Courtney would leave the bases as Dominic uses his camouflage unit to be invisible to the human eyes, as Tucker and Caboose are watching Dominic leaving.

Caboose: So, who do you think will survive from Texas Wraith?

Tucker: Honestly, I mostly don't think that everyone except the dragon gauntlet, the robot, and the old man with the shotgun will survive, an exception that maroon guy, he's going to get his fucking skull rip on his head before getting hit by his own skull but hey, I'm just thinking of how he could die.

Caboose: Same because he's the reason how church died so he's mostly going to have a painful died!

Tucker: Same, so want to see what is going to happen on the sniper's rifle?

Caboose: Sure-

Gates: Why are we stilling here instead of helping Dominic, stopping tex!

Tucker: Well, because, one. Dom is a spartan. Two. He has better combat experience than we do and even Shelia can agree with that.

Shelia: Tucker has a point, Dominic is one of the strongest spartan out there and for any reasons why. He and Courtney are older and better than me in many ways, better than us. Why are you freaking out then?

Gates: I-I...I'm just worried for him.

Tucker: Why, is he your father figure...

The room went silent as Tucker realizes why she is worried...

Tucker:...Oh shit, he's your father figure, so how did you meet up with him?

Gates: It a long and painful story that I and Virgo don't want to talk about...

Caboose: Wait, Virgo also thinks about dom as a father figure?!

Gates: Yes, you may think that he's lazy and all, but he's not, me and Virgo have been through some shit that would scare a human being or children. And yet, we survived and Dominic saves us.

Red vs Blue Season 1 /w Virgo Fuarelu [Rewritten/Au.]Where stories live. Discover now