Battle of the Blood Gulch Warriors! And Honor of the Dead. (Final Part)

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Virgo/Gates/Church/Tucker/Caboose then went into the armory and was getting ready to fight.

Church: Caboose, Tucker. Get some rocket launcher and grenades.

Tucker/Caboose: Got it.

Church: Gates, Virgo. Grab some ammo boxes. We're going to be here for a long while.

Gates/Virgo: On it!

Church: This is our final battle!

Meanwhile with the Reds.

Sarge/Grif/Simmons then went to the warthog and use it to drive through the blue base, while zak and Lopez + donut then rides on the mongoose. they were going to blue base to kill the blues.

Sarge: Simmons, do you got the rocket launcher?

Simmons: Sir, yes, sir.

Sarge: Good. Grif, are you ready to activate the cannon. 

Grif: Yes sir.

Sarge: Good, now we fight for tomorrow!

The Reds then do a battle cry before going at the blue base and was at the hill. Simmons and Sarge got out of the warthog and Simmons went into a shooting position, and sarge was right next to him.

Sarge: Fire!!

Simmons fire at the blue base and Both Church and Tucker hears the exploded. The two then went outside and see that parts of the base were destroyed.

Tucker: Oh shit!

Church: Time to prepared!

Both of them went inside and Simmons keeps firing his rocket launcher as it keeps hitting the blue base. Damaging the base itself. All of the Blue Team members then went up to the roofs and begins to fires, Church and Tucker then use their Sniper Rifle/Dmr to try to distract the reds but it didn't work, so caboose throws some flashbang.

Caboose: YEET!!

Caboose then throws 3 flashbangs at the reds which blinds them.

Sarge: Ah!

Simmons: What the Fuck!

Grif: AH!

Donut: Fuck!


The whole red team was blind from the flashbang and Virgo would grab the rocket launcher and shot at the red team, but Simmons who managed to get out of the flashbang effect then uses the warthog minigun turret to destroy the rocket heading toward them. This made a small smoke screen in the area and one of the reds then went inside of the blue base during this. (Donut) As the smokescreen clears, the blues would see the reds firing at them once they made eye contact with each other. Sarge would switch into his pistol and shoot at church left leg which hits. Making Church sit down in pain.

Church: Fuck!

Tucker: Oh shit! Church?!

Tucker would then throw a few grenades at the reds to make sure they stop firing at them. Virgo and Gates would then look at the warthog and targets it as their main target. Caboose would then hears something in the base and went inside while everyone is fighting the reds. Zak and Lopez would then shoot at Virgo and Gates.

Zak: Come on! Try to hit us!

Virgo: You really asking it now?!

Virgo then switches his weapon like a grenade launcher and fire at zak and Lopez. Both of them dodges the shots and Lopez and Zak would still shooting at Virgo while Gates got a minigun. She beginning to fire the minigun at Zak and Lopez who only managed to dodges as many bullets as they can before some of the bullets hit them. But what Virgo and Gates, And Church/Tucker didn't know that Donut was right behind and then took Virgo out and throw him at one of the walls at the blue base.

Red vs Blue Season 1 /w Virgo Fuarelu [Rewritten/Au.]Where stories live. Discover now