April's Fools Special! The Greatest Nerf War in all of Blood Gulch. (Non-Canon)

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(Author Note: This is inspired by Most Epic Nerf War in History with a surprise in the end. Credit go to RackaRacka.)

Church and Tex were planning on their phones until a nerf bullet hit church phones.

Church: "What the?"

Church and Tex look as Virgo, Tucker, and Caboose laugh as Virgo keep on shooting church on the face.

Church: "Can you please stop!"

Virgo: "Ah, no."

Tex: "Heh, heh. Look like church is having a hard time-"

Tex was shot in the eyes, luckily she closes just in time just in case it does get hurt as caboose laughs at texas. As Virgo and Tucker follow along, Tucker got hit in the face with a nerf bullet from church who holds an SMG-like nerf gun. Before getting shot on the head by tex who holds a revolver Nerf gun. Before getting shoot by caboose again. As Virgo and Tucker laugh at it again. Tucker then responds.

Tucker: "Alright, guys. Let's stop or someone'll get hurted.."

Silence hits the room as Dominic and Gates watch it from the cams, wanted to see what is going to happen. Quickly. Caboose put out a Rifle-like Nerf gun with Church and Tex hold Duel Smg nerf gun with Virgo put out a sniper-rifle nerf gun with Tucker putting out duel Revolver nerf gun. As each of them stares at each other.

Then everyone begins to shoot as Tex and Church are fighting against Tucker, Caboose, and Virgo at the same time. With Caboose armor protecting him from a bullet with Tucker having a vest just in case. And Virgo was just dodging bullet-like sans does in undertale. Virgo quickly went into one of the tables in the living room before using it as a cover. Tex then drops her ammo clip before reloading again. As Tucker slides onto the same table that Virgo was in before keeps shooting.

Then Caboose then shoots at tucker as Tucker manages to dodges. As Caboose quickly ran outsides. Tucker throws away his duel-wielding pistol before grabbing Virgo's rifle.

Virgo: "Tucker, what the fuc-"

Tucker: "No time!"

Tucker then slammed the window with the rifle nerf gun as the window was destroyed before tucker aims at the gas tank nearby caboose who is running at the moment before shooting at it with his rifle, once shooted. Caboose barely dodged the bullet before looking where it's going as it contact with the gas tank....BOOM, caboose got knocked out due of the explosions as Gates and Dominic were eating popcorn with Courtney recording this as well.

Church quickly grabs onto Tucker rifle before both of them try to get the rifle for themself, this ends up destroying some of the dishes which Dominic has bought. (Too Bad because he's going to get paid back soon enough) As Tucker got hits a few times by Churchs, Tucker manage to grabs the rilfe back from Church grips before slamming it at church a few times before getting semi-knocked out. 

Tex comes back with a nerf bullet as her weed before a spill at it which it landed onto the ground.

Tex: "Party time, bitches!"

Virgo quickly put out a revolver Nerf guns before shooting at tex...It's didn't do anything as Tex fires her mini guns at Virgo and Tucker, Tucker slides into a different table in the room before quickly reload the rifle he's holding at the moment. Tucker quickly ran to the door as he kicks the door with a good amount of force that it falls. Tucker rolls down to the ground before kick the door at tex with a good amount of speed. Tex quickly got send into the wall as the door then land somewhere around the battlefield.

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