314 19 44

I apologize for the late update. I got sick ;<


"You look weird." Yuki squinted at her, pinching F/n's cheeks harshly. The duo were currently at training, honing their serves for another practice match. The coach had to take an important call outside. This meant that Yuki chose to slack off and disturb F/n from practicing.

F/n yelped as she pouted, "What the hell?" She caressed her cheek to alleviate the pain.

Yuki scratched her chin as if she has an imaginary beard, watching F/n intently with the occasional 'hmm', "I only checked if you're wearing makeup."

"And you found out by pinching me?"

The setter shrugged, "You gotta do what you gotta do, F/n." Yuki tapped her lip, still assessing F/n's appearance, "You're not wearing any yet your cheeks have been red since from the morning I last saw you."

F/n froze, her face stricken. She slowly scratched her nape and smiled a bit, "Well, it's hot."

She sighed in relief when Yuki seemed to buy her excuse. However, her relief didn't last as Yuki grinned mischievously, "You lost your virginity, didn't you?" The setter whispered.

Upon hearing the question, F/n's whole body heated up. Crimson red was coating on her cheeks as she stumbled, "OF COURSE NOT!" As she defended herself, she inadvertently raised her voice.

Yuki raised her hands, guffawing at F/n being too flustered, "Okay, okay. I believe you." Giving her best friend a chance to breathe, Yuki dared to question after a few seconds, "Well, what's wrong? You've been blushing the whole day."

"I-it's nothing." F/n faked a smile. She sighed deeply and thought for a second if she's going to divulge any information to Yuki. Her best friend may be a tattletale but Yuki can be trustworthy if she needs to be. "Don't tell this to anyone since I'm not sure."

Yuki stood upright and saluted, she gave F/n a toothy grin, "Yes, ma'am."

"It's all because of that date." F/n muttered.

"I knew it! Sakusa Kiyoomi is the reason for your reactions-"

"I'm not so sure about my feelings anymore." F/n interrupted sternly. Her response made Yuki hiss as the setter thought of F/n's malarkey.

"What? It's because he's still young-"

"No." F/n interrupted once again, "Listen to me."


Sakusa gently opened the door for F/n, giving her enough space to enter without tripping. However, with her two left feet, F/n had to stumble. She cursed, caressing her bum to soothe the pain.


Sakusa sighed, rolling his eyes. He expected that with F/n's uncoordinated limbs, it's going to happen. For some reason, he opted to crouch down and scooped F/n's body with his arms, 

Promise (Sakusa  Kiyoomi x reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum