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(Sakusa's POV)


"I have a crush on you. Don't make me repeat that. If you didn't hear it, clean your ears again. Goodbye."

"I have a crush on you. Don't make me repeat that. If you didn't hear it, clean your ears again. Goodbye."

I stared at my phone, ignoring Komori's pleads of stretching. I clenched my chest, overwhelmed. There are times that a fangirl would be goaded by her peers to give me chocolates in exchange for her feelings. Often, I would only spray her with my disinfectant. Komori takes the need to apologize on my behalf and the girl, in defeat, gives him the chocolates instead.

Komori would then chide my actions, "Don't you want a girl who gives you chocolates?"

"Sakusa-san, why are you so red?" I didn't even notice him approaching me.

"Komori." I said, maybe a bit louder than usual, "This is better than chocolates."

Komori blinks both in surprise and puzzlement, "Eh? What do you mean?-- WHAT. Why are you smiling?!"

"I have a crush on you. Don't make me repeat that. If you didn't hear it, clean your ears again. Goodbye."

I ignored him as I texted f/n-senpai another message. Inundated by pure happiness, I couldn't find myself to press the call button. I'd be too mortified if she hears my voice shaking.

I was about to put my phone back but then I remembered something or someone, rather.


I paused in my tracks as I was brought to the past. Those days where Yuki-san would blackmail f/n-senpai to do something out of her comfort zone.

"I'm going to tell your mom that you had detention." Yuki-san threatened. Her hands formed like a claw to show that she was serious.

"You wouldn't dare!" F/n-senpai growled. They were in our practice, teaching us new strategies and techniques.

"What makes you think I won't? She's going to mourn over the fact that you were late not once, not thrice, but 7 times!" Yuki snickered, parrying f/n-senpai's slaps.

"Come on! I was craving ice cream, okay? Can a girl not eat?"

"Of course, you can but a girl can't be late to school seven times!" Yuki-san grinned at f/n-senpai's attempt in kicking her.

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