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"So I get it that you dragged me here to visit Shoyo so that we can comfort him." Matsui Yuki grunted, her eyelids drooping due to drowsiness, "But I don't understand why he is coming with us?" The setter pointed at the man beside F/n who was meticulously spraying the window with his disinfectant.

"Don't tell me, he's going to give Shoyo his holy tissues?" Yuki mocked, earning Sakusa Kiyoomi's glare.


F/n sighed as she began to ponder if the right decision was to go alone. Their arrival in Miyagi is to be expected in a few minutes and throughout the whole ride, her best friend was either fighting Sakusa or disturbing F/n's sleep with her consistent poking.

On the contrary, Sakusa was quiet as he offered his shoulder for F/n to lean on. It was one of Miya Atsumu's rare helpful pieces of advice. However, his hasty movements to clean the window or the handrails would also disrupt F/n's slumber.

"It's also Ushijima's graduation." F/n replied curtly, "Sakusa-kun wants to congratulate him in person."

Yuki guffawed, her laugh ricocheting in the narrow space, "Wow. I thought he just wanted to see if Hinata Shoyo is actually a threat between you guys."

"Can your dirty mouth shut-"

"We're here!" F/n happily interrupted, unable to tolerate their ludicrous squabble. She yawned in relief to feel the solid ground beneath her feet. The long ride was no joke, giving her buttocks a subtle ache.

"Eh?" Yuki chortled, "I thought you're going to Shiratorizawa. Why are you coming down with us?"

Sakusa narrowed his eyes at Yuki and shrugged, "I want to walk."

"Uh-huh. Do you even know where it is?" Yuki meant it as a provocation but seeing Sakusa's eyes snapped as if he realized something prompted the setter to groan.

"You don't?" F/n gaped at him, totally taken aback that the one and only Sakusa Kiyoomi came unprepared.

"I can check it on Google." He answered honestly. Spontaneity was never included in his arsenal but reading F/n's text that she was out of the city for the weekend buoyed him to impulsively come.

It wasn't because he was petrified of the middle blocker, Hinata Shoyo. He sincerely wants to congratulate Ushijima Wakatoshi and to bid him good luck for whatever path he chooses. Although, he could just really do that through text. The truth is he wanted to talk to F/n in person and maybe, spend more time with her.

The last time, the one wherein F/n admitted, they saw each other was when they were eating at this restaurant to which F/n was a blushing mess. Sakusa clarified that he'll still continue waiting and doing what he was supposed to do in correspondence to the deal. Meanwhile, F/n bit her tongue when she finally utilized her mouth to confess in front of his face what she was feeling.

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