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"I can't believe we're finally here, Sakusa-san!" Komori was beaming, he was beyond ebullient to be accepted in one of the powerhouses in Tokyo.

Sakusa simply nodded, stoic as their seniors arrived. He was just satisfied that he can still train with strong people.

With the coach, there was a girl who was scrutinizing the new players with an intense glare, "Stop scaring them, Yuki." The coach playfully nudged her.

"Come on now. Fall in line." The captain instructed as all of them scurried in formation.

The coach smiled, his hands placed on his waist, "I'm happy to see new yet familiar faces here. The Itachiyama team is all about effort. Through planting our endeavours, piling them up day by day, we will reap what we sow and that is - success."

"So show us your efforts now! Prove it that you have the capability to embody our aspirations in the future." The girl, Yuki, butted in.

Cheers of eagerness and resolve were the answer to this challenge except for Sakusa who simply nodded.

"You always take my lines, Yuki." The coach castigated as the players started to do their warmups.

"Well, it's better than doing nothing, right?" She smirked, "Sakusa Kiyoomi and Komori Motoya, huh? Seems like this year is going to be fun!"

"Yeah. Well, even with their promising past, I still need to assess their efforts if they're going to be part of the starting lineup." The coach stated, astonished at Sakusa's powerful serve.

"Oh, that power is extremely familiar." Yuki uttered, clapping when Komori was able to receive it.

"Hmm. I think I recognize that too. She's probably looking for their setter who is again skipping practice in the boys' gymnasium." The coach looked at her, his look emphasized that he meant Yuki in his sentiments.

Yuki chuckled, "I love young blood."

"Pervert." The coach smiled as he instructed the managers to fill up the water bottles.

"I can help." Yuki grinned, avid in conversing with their managers.

"Yeah, maybe you can help us back there too." This made everyone stop as Yuki bit her lip, not daring to turn around to see who it was.

At the door, f/n was leaning on it, her eyes fuming and her chest heaving. She was looking for the setter everywhere because as the vice captain, Yuki has the obligation to welcome the new players.

Komori covered his mouth so that only his cousin can hear, "Isn't that the top one ace in the girls' team? The rumors were right. She's so pretty, isn't she?"

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