Chapter 1

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The sound of the alarm clock beside his bed rang through his ears at exactly 7 o'clock. Sal groaned and smacked his hand over the source of the beeping as he started to come to his awoken state. His eyes squinted as he adjusted to the bright Monday morning that had presented itself on Staten Island.

The seventeen year old grudgingly pulled himself from the comforts of his bed and headed towards the bathroom to start the day. He quickly brushed his teeth and half heartedly combed his hair before dressing into his school uniform. Once he had thrown all his books into his backpack he headed down the stairs where the rest of his family already was.

"Morning sweetie." His mother smiled as he entered the kitchen to grab some cereal.

"Morning Ma." He smiled back, emptying the contents into his bowl.

He sat himself down at the table along with his sisters and father while he ate his breakfast, enjoying the conversations with his family. Just as he finished his food he heard multiple honks of a car horn come from outside.

"That's my ride." He announced, slinging his back over his shoulder.

"Have a good day!" His dad called out before he left through the door.

"Thanks dad!" Sal called back to him.

Sal jogged down the front porch steps and headed towards the blue Chevy in front of his house.

"Come on Sal! I don't have all day!" Joe yelled from the driver's seat.

Murr sat beside him in the front leaving Sal no choice but to hop in the backseat.

"I'm coming! Jeez, chill the fuck out." He grumbled as he settled into his seat.

"What's up your ass today?" Murr teased looking out his open window.

"He's always grumpy on Mondays." Joe smirked earning an eye roll from the boy in the back.

They continued to drive down the streets of Staten Island towards the school. Sal watched the world go by outside his window but was suddenly broken from his daze when Joe slammed hard on the breaks causing both Sal and Murr to shoot forward.

"Fuck Joey! Learn how to drive, man!" Murr cried rubbing his now whiplashed neck.

Joe only snickered in response and pounded his palm against the car horn making their presence known.

Seconds later Sal saw him come running out of his house, book bag in hand. He smiled to himself when he noticed his hair a mess and his clothing untucked and disheveled. Typical teenage Brian Quinn.

"Morning boys!" Q yelled as he jumped in beside Sal and closed his door behind him.

"Morning asshole!" Joe yelled back playfully, starting the drive to school yet again.

Brian then turned his head towards Sal and smiled bigger than he already was. Sal smirked shyly to himself and tried desperately to hide the blush that swept across his cheeks.

"Morning Sally." He greeted in a much softer tone than previously.

"Morning Q." Sal smiled shaking his head and turning back to look out the window.

Q watched at him for a second admiring the boy before him as he stared mindlessly at the trees passing by. The sun hit his face perfectly and elegantly highlighted the tints and tones of green held within his eyes. His jet black hair glistened beneath the light and it took everything is Q's power not run his fingers through the fluffy strands. God he was so beautiful.


"Huh?" He snapped out of it now looking up front at his two friends.

"God you never listen." Murr rolled his eyes. "I asked if you studied for the math test we have today."

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